Little Blue Car Crochet Pattern
Update 22/04/2013: The error in the Little Blue Car Pattern (row 12 of the side panel) has now been corrected. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to mess that row up so royally and apologize to everyone who tried (and failed) to make this pattern. Please, if you have downloaded this pattern previously, do so again now so that you have the correct instructions. If you pick up any other errors, please let me know.
We had Pieter’s birthday party this weekend. What a lot of hassle for 2 hours of yelling kids! But he loved it and I was very chuffed with how it all came together. Watch this space for my Superhero Pop Art Printables etc.
My mother-in-law was such a great help!!! And not just with the party. She has been doing a load of washing a day AND the dishes in the evenings. To mention but two of the perks of having them visit. I think she will want a week’s rest when she goes back to South Africa.
They have headed off to Scotland for two days, so the husband and I are getting some jobs done. Pretty soon we will both be back at work en then what are we going to do??? And on the way back from nursery Pieter told me he has a girlfriend. Apparently he “sat next to her and held her hand ALL through circle time”. He’s only 4, bless him.
Right. Story time over.
Let’s talk all things vehicley and crochetey (not to be confused with crotchety, which is a different animal all together). A few of you might have seen the post I did about this little blue car way back when. Maybe you wanted to try making the little car but just not badly enough to buy the pattern. (And it’s a good thing you didn’t! It was my very first ever crochet pattern and I think it shows a bit in the instructions. Anyway…)
Tonight I am finally getting around to posting the pattern FOR FREE! It is the first in my vehicle series (there are three vehicles to date) and fairly uncomplicated to make. You just crochet a bunch of panels and then sew them together :)
Click on the image below for the FREE Little Blue Car Crochet Pattern PDF.
You can read more about the Little Blue Crochet Car here.
Linen Stitch Tutorial
The little blue crochet car is made using the linen stitch, which is basically a mesh of *sc, ch-1, skip 1*. If you have never used the linen stitch, or would like a bit more help on how to make it, please see this photo tutorial.
Related FREE Patterns:
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Happy Hooking!
Jade says
Stay At Home Mom Or Dad,
I’ve noticed you have published some links to your patterns on other websites. I have recently started a new website and we’re looking for people to post their links to patterns on our website, so it can act like a hub for anyone that’s interested. Our link is below:
If you want to put up a link straight away, please email
In case you have any questions or require additional information please contact us at:
Cindy says
Thanks so much for the digger, car and tractor patterns. It is so nice of you to put them on for free! They are SO cute! My Grandson will love these!
Dedri Uys says
Glad you like them, Cindy. Feel free to share some pictures when you’re done :)
Lexi says
Finally finished it! I’m not really slow at the crocheting part, but at the putting it all together part. haha It isn’t perfect, as it was my first try at it, but this one is a gift for a 2-year-old that I’m sure won’t mind. Here is a photo of the finished product. If it doesn’t work, just let me know and I’ll try to email it to you. :)