I’ve seen quite a few people say that they are anxious about making Sophie’s Universe in a single colour. They are worried that the pattern will lose its definition, or that they will choose the wrong colour. I thought I would address these fears by sharing Jenny‘s Single Colour Sophie.
The Yarn
Jenny used 52 skeins of Scheepjes Stonewashed XL in Crystal Quartz (Available HERE from Deramores and HERE from Wool Warehouse) and a 5.5 mm Clover Amour crochet hook (US 9/I UK 5). Her Sophie was 167 cm squared. This means that her Sophie was 2 cm bigger than mine and used 2 more skeins of yarn.
Is There Such a Thing as the Wrong Colour?
I have seen hundreds of single-colour Sophies, in all the colours of the rainbow, and they were all beautiful. That does not mean that every shade of every colour will work equally well. The details tend to get lost in colours that contain a lot of black (like dark brown, solid black, dark navy, deep plum), so I would stay away from them if you want to celebrate all the intricate details of this pattern.
If you do want to use a dark colour and need a little bit of reassurance, may I suggest using the colour to make an afghan square as a test? When you have finished, stand at a bit of a distance and look at it straight on. If you cannot see the textured detail, you might want to choose a slightly lighter shade. I would suggest using either Never Ending Love or Prince Protea Square from the Block a Week CAL 2014 as testers. They contain enough surface detail to be accurate gauges.
Why Do I HAVE to Fasten Off Sometimes?
I have added this information because it is one of the most frequently asked questions about a single-colour Sophie.
When you make Sophie’s Universe, you will notice that the majority of rounds provide instructions for if you start with the same colour AND if you start with a different colour. Where I have not provided this option, it is because you will need to fasten off at the end of the previous round regarless of colour choice. This has been done for two very simple reasons: neatness and ease. Please know that a lot of thought has gone into how each round is presented and where it starts. I appreciate that this means you have to sew in ends, but trust me: it will take a lot less time to sew in the ends than to try and re-jig the repeats and fudge the starts in order to avoid doing so. And if you use the Invisible Join, you’ll be sewing the ends away as you go, so no nasty surprises at the end :)
There are 36 instances of enforced fastening-off, just in case you were wondering :)
Jenny’s Single-colour Sophie
I volunteered for the task of blocking Jenny’s Sophie, and I managed to take a fair few photos in the process.

Oh dear! That’s quite a harsh blocking!!
I have to tell you that I did NOT want to give Jenny’s Sophie back! I fell hopelessly in love with the elegance of it.
My eye kept jumping from one detail to the next…
…and without the distraction of colours, I was able to really see each detail.
My favourite has to be the large central flower on the ‘short sides’.
However, I also really like the way the details in the central mandala ‘pop’ in a single colour.
Here you can see my Sophie next to Jenny’s one. We both used Scheepjes Stonewashed XL, but I used the colour pack for the Large Sophie (available HERE from Wool Warehouse and HERE from Deramores).
I think it is absolutely amazing what a big difference colour (or the lack thereof) can make to a pattern. It almost doesn’t feel like the same design!
I wish I had gotten a better picture of Single Colour Sophie in her entirety, but unfortunately the only photo I have of her is when I was blocking her.
And to finish off, here are 4 of our 5 combined Sophies (not counting the very first ‘prototype’).
From top to bottom they are: Medium Sophie made with Scheepjes Softfun, Small Sophie made with Scheepjes Cotton 8, and 2 Large Sophies made with Scheepjes Stonewashed XL. Details for the colour packs can be found HERE under ‘Size and Materials’.
If you are one of those people who have been wanting to make Sophie in a single colour, I hope this post has convinced you that you should totally go for it! And if you have already made Sophie in a single colour, please feel free to comment below or tag me on social media.
You might also like having a look at the Sophie’s Universe Jenny made using three balls of Scheepjes Whirl. If you don’t fancy changing colours constantly, but still want a colourful project, using Whirl is the perfect compromise. You can find more details about that HERE.
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Mindy Bailes says
My Sophie book arrived today and I’m soooo excited to get started on my first Sophie!! I was wondering, does anyone have any suggestions on doing this project in two colors? I’d like to do it two shades of teal, but I’m not quite sure how to break it up. Thanks for any advice you can offer.
Colette Lowey says
Sophie is gorgeous! I’m interested in using just one colour. I have looked, but haven’t had any success in finding out how much yarn I will need. Of course I need to buy one dye lot, so I need to know how many yards are required.
Thank you,
Dedri Uys says
Hi Colette. You can read about Jenny’s single-colour Sophie https://lookatwhatimade.net/crafts/yarn/crochet/sophies-universe-cal-2015/sophies-universe-one-colour/. It contains all the information you would need to make one in a single colour in WW yarn.
Sarah says
First off, thank you so much for making this pattern free for all of us to enjoy! I am in the process of making a single color Sophie now using a worsted weight dove heather grey. I also made a Sophie’s Garden with color using size 8 perle cotton and regular embroidery thread with a size 2.25 hook. I completed the smaller one to Part 4. It is beautiful but bulges in the central mandala. I’m not sure if you can block embroidery thread like you can yarn, but I guess I should have changed hook sizes. I am currently in Part 5 with my single color Sophie and I hope it turns out as beautiful as Jenny’s! I must say though, the lack of color is killing me every time I see a new detail in the pattern.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Sarah. Embroidery thread doesn’t have enough give in it to block the bulge out :( On your single colour Sophie, did you go up a hook size at the start of Part 4? I love Jenny’s one and find it extremely elegant in one colour.
Georgina says
It’s absolutely stunning. Hopefully my hubby is getting me the yarn for xmas. I was wondering though, do you know roughly have much yarn is needed to make the centre mandala on its own so I can make a round cushion please? I thank you in advance and also thank you for all your beautiful patterns, time and talent.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Georgina,
What a wonderful husband you have to buy you such a big yarny present. Under Helpful Templates, there’s a list of how much colours are used per round for each size/weight. You will be able to see the yardages needed for the central mandala there (for worsted weight, light worsted weight, and cotton 8). I hope that is what you were looking for :)
Wendy says
I am just starting my first Sophie’s Universe in one single color. I chose a purple mist color. I am having trouble because the pattern is written and demonstrated for multiple colors. So instead of cutting and tying off after each row I need to continue on. This causes the next row to begin in a different area than the pattern shows and thus ending in a different spot. Particularly starting with row five and six.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Wendy. A lot of thought has gone into writing the pattern for a single colour AND for using multiple colours. Most rounds will tell you what to do when you are using a single/different colour, but occasionally you will be told to cut at the end of a round and join again at the start of the new round. This is NOT because you are changing colour, but because the next round starts in a different place to where the previous round ended. This has been done for neatness and will happen less and less as the pattern progresses. So wherever the pattern specifically instructs you to fasten off, you do need to fasten off, regardless of how many colours you choose to use.
Jenny says
I would use thick yarn and a larger hook.
Jenny :)
Isla says
I just bought the yarn to make a start on this blanket – but all the different colours are going back now! You’ve convinced me to go for this – I LOVE it in single colour… Now which single colour do I choose?! I’m thinking either moss green or navy blue… Or grey… Or classy cream… Aaaaargh!
Jenny says
Isla, I am so pleased you like my single colour Sophie! I like her in the paler colours for a single colour version myself :)
Keith says
Dedri, I think you’ve shown us that if you’re looking for something amazing, with great detail but without a blaze of colour then something like Sophie’s Universe is the way to go. Thank you so much for showing us the way, you’re great.
Big hugs
Keith x
Jenny says
I have to admit, Keith, that I was new to reading patterns when I made my silver Sophie along with Dedri and I couldn’t make up my mind on a colour scheme. Making the CAL in one colour allowed me to focus on how to read the pattern correctly without resorting to a video. I am very happy I did so, and I also adore my Sophie and the detail you get to see in the stitches and the basic pattern.
Jenny :)
Suzette says
Sophie in one colour is absolutely breathtaking! Wonderful!
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Suzette
Jabi says
that is really beautiful.. white is a really classy colour when it comes to afghans :)
Carol McGuinn says
One of these days I’m going to make Sophie’s Alternate Universe in a single color. I imagine that will be just as stunning. I just have to decide on the color.
Dedri Uys says
I would love to see it when you do, Carol.
Patty says
Jenny’s Sophie is stunning, absolutely gorgeous! Well done Jenny and Dedri, many thanks for for the wonderful experience this CAL gave me!!!
Dedri Uys says
You are most welcome :)
Yllka says
omg! Jenny! I met her at my work experience placement and forget the reason why I was there to begin with… I had a heart attack when I saw her desk covered in crochet projects and patterns everywhere! Instead of talking about work, we were there for about 20 minutes talking crochet! She then showed me her beauuuuutiful Sophie’s blanket and I was blown away. She’s the one who brought me to you Dedri! I’m making Sophie’s universe and almost finishing Part 7 in dark maroon (Jenny inspired me to do a single colour – far easier in my opinion, less hassle and looks absolutely gorgeous!). Thank you both so much for such gorgeous patterns. I will upload a picture when I finish Sophie :) lots of love! xx
Dedri Uys says
Hi Yllka. Thank you so much for commenting. I look forward to seeing your maroon Sophie completed. Jenny is a gem!
Caroline says
I’ve made my first Sophie’s universe in one color, a light yellow, and she’s absolutely gorgeous and look a little bit antique :-)
I’m actually crocheting a second Sophie, (I’m totally in love with this pattern) with 8 colors, and I have to tell you, I prefer only one solid color ;-)
I hope you will do another crochet along with another amazing pattern like Sophie :-)
Michelle Chua says
You are a gem, Dedri. I’ve been looking into doing a single colour. This one looks fantastic.
Dedri Uys says
I’d love to see yours when/if you start :)
Nancy says
Beautiful work on both! Actually I really can’t decide which I love more!! They both have their own points … strong and bold to be sure! Lovely hands working here!! I am amazed by the design and wonder who thinks these things up. Do they sit and ponder these steps out, kind of like the thinking man statue I have always admired? Powerful lot of thinking going on there!!!
Hottie Von Dottie says
I think it looks absolutely amazing. So very detailed, and much more “Indian” in its expression – you can really feel the intricate design and how it captures the eastern spirit of “Mandala Land” (India).
I considered doing a one-colored Sophie, but I’m too fond of colors and besides I’m quickly bored :P So no one-way colorway for me, but if I had, I would use it as a blanket on the sofa :-D
Dedri Uys says
Anette, I know what you mean. Try as I might, I cannot do a single-colour project, but I so wish I could!!
Jennybugs says
I have to say, I found the single colour work almost meditative. As a novice crocheter at the time, it allowed me to focus on my stitch work and neatness as opposed to being distracted by colour changes.
I would like to make a multi coloured version at some time, but it will have to be carefully planned!
Vickie says
They’re all beautiful, whether in a single color or many colors. Thanks for all the pictures.
Naomi Boxall says
Wow! I love the colours of each of the different sized Sophies but the one colour Sophie is amazing as well! I think it would be so much harder to do because everything looks the same (from my beginner crocheter’s eyes). I am going to give this pattern a go sometime soon. I think it is lovely!
Dedri Uys says
Naomi, if you use a yarn with good stitch definition (like cotton or a cotton blend), it is very easy to see your stitches even if everything is the same colour. Identifying previous rows is a bit more tricky, but you won’t be working into random stitches in previous rows, so even they are easy to identify (if you know your stitch anatomy).
Lori says
It’s gorgeous!