Et Voila! My Pansy Pizza is all done. Don’t judge me for the name. When I made my first (wonky) prototype many years ago, it seemed like a great idea. If I am going to keep growing her (which I AM), I suppose I have to give her a better name. But for now, she’s called Pansy Pizza.
If you want to read more about this little adventure, you can read about the yarn HERE and you can see some work-in-progress photos HERE.
I am absolutely in love with how this turned out! Everything about this mandala makes my eyes and heart happy. The one I made in the Rainbow Softfun Minis is my favourite. Usually I shy away from using orange and red, but I am so glad that I decided to use them. They work SO WELL with the other colours :)
I do like a mandala-against-sky photo, so I dragged Christiaan out in Storm Barra. He wasn’t best pleased standing there in the rain (you can’t see it, but it was raining and VERY cold) while I took photos :)
The Pansy Pizza is 40cm blocked if you make all 10 rounds. If you stop at the end of Round 9, it is 36cm, with a stitch count of 240 stitches in the last round. This makes it the perfect size for squaring up with Part 4 of Sophie’s Universe/Sophie’s Garden.
Because I enjoyed making the Pansy Pizza so much, I made another one in the Jewel Softfun Minis colourway. I bought an extra ball of Olive (2531) because I wanted to see what the triangles would look like if I made them all in one shade instead of using two shades as above.
I wish you could experience the richness of this version in real life. The colours remind me of when I made Lillabjorn’s Circles of the Sun CAL in Linen Soft. Incidentally, that would be a lovely quick make if you are looking for hand-made Christmas gift ideas :)
Heehee, isn’t it pretty?
I will be releasing the (free) pattern for the Pansy Pizza next week. In the meantime, I am busy busy busy playing with ideas and ways to grow it.
Just in case I haven’t mentioned it enough, I am having SO MUCH fun with this one :)
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Angela says
Wow this is so cool. I love the different color ways on the blossoms. It’s so happy looking!
If you’re thinking of changing the name (I wouldn’t, but wacky names appeal to me) and want to keep the circulat-baked-yumminess of the previous name maybe pie/tartlet/scone/wedge?
Engela van Dyk says
Dis pragtig Dedri! En daar’s niks fout met die naam nie. Ek sien al die stukkies ham, tamatie en soetrissies daar. :)
Jenny Lowman says
Thank you Engela!
Linda O says
They look stunning! ♥♥♥
Jenny Lowman says
They sure do! We love them all!
Kimmi McGaw says
Oh Dedri
So excited to do this one
Jenny Lowman says
Not long to wait now :)
Cheryl Meyer says
I have been waiting for this pattern nearly as long as you have been working on it. Thank you. I look forward to the bigger version.
Sigal says
Wow, it’s gorgeous!!! I absolutely love the 2tone version of the slices!
Jenny Lowman says
Thank you! :)
Mariella Alquiza says
Hi Dedri. I just love your designs and choice of color combinations. My baby grandkid to whom I have given the puzzle ball I crocheted from your pattern will be celebrating his 8th birthday on Thursday, Dec. 14. I lost contact with you. Glad to reconnect now and I just loved this Pizza Pansy. I want to be back on your mailing list.
Jenny Lowman says
THIS LINK Should be the one to the mailing list, Mariella. Welcome back :)
Mariella Alquiza says
Hi Dedri. I just love your designs and choice of color combinations. My baby grandkid to whom I have given the puzzle ball I crocheted from your pattern will be celebrating his 8th birthday on Thursday, Dec. 14. I lost contact with you. Glad to reconnect now and I just loved this Pizza Pansy. I want to be back on your mailing list.
Jay Crafter says
Thank you, Dedri , for another beautifu gift idea. I love your designs. l look forward to the pattern being posted. It could be my over Christmas project! May I wish you and your family joy and happiness this festive season. Jay
Jenny Lowman says
Not long to wait now, Jay!
Seasons Greetings to you and yours :)
Suzanne says
Ooh this is lovely….I’m excited to see what it may grow into :-)
Jenny Lowman says
So am I, Suzanne! :)
Is each pansy made from 4n different skeins of yarn or thread?
Jenny Lowman says
Hi Judy.
Yes, each pansy is made from 4 different colours as seen in the photos :)
Sylvia Barnes says
They are beautiful.
Jenny Lowman says
Such happy little flowers :)