Today is a huge day for me—Charlotte’s Universe is now available for sale! What began as a crochet-along in 2021 has now become a beautiful, tangible book, and I can’t wait to share it with you! I’ll list the resources before I tell you more about the book. Resources Buy the Book I will update […]
Crochet Gerbera Daisy Pattern {Free}
I am so excited about sharing this Crochet Gerbera Daisy pattern with you. As you have probably guessed, I LOVE flowers. ALL. THE. FLOWERS. Gerbera Daisies (or Barberton Daisies, as I know them) are very high on my favourite flower list. I want to say they are top of the list, but I feel like […]
Crochet Thistle Pattern {Free}
Did you know that a Thistle represents determination and strength in Celtic cultures? This crochet Thistle is the second in my series of Flower patterns for creating your own crochet wall bouquet. It may well be my favourite flower of the bunch, and I am working on a fully 3-D version that you can stick […]
Lucy: Crochet Wall Bouquet {An Evolving Design}
This is a bit of fun for 2024. It is an evolving design, which means that all the patterns for this bouquet are not available yet. I will be sharing the Flower and Leaf patterns one by one as I work my way through writing/photographing/videos. The idea is not that you will replicate my bouquet […]
Crochet Oxeye Daisy Pattern {Free}
Hi guys! I have a simple crochet Oxeye Daisy pattern to share with you. It is the first flower in a series of flowers. Some of them (like this one) can be used as embellishments or even turned into motifs if you are adventurous. Others are three-dimensional and possibly less practical unless you intend to […]
Extended Unseen Mandala – The Pattern
This is an extension of the original Unseen Mandala I designed three years ago. I hope you have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and that 2024 will be a year of growth, gentle learning, and blessings for you. May you find people who give you the safety to be exactly who you are, and may […]
Extended Unseen Mandala – The Journey
This is an extension for the Unseen Mandala I shared three years ago. The words I spoke then ring just as true now: “During these last few months, I have thought a lot about the hidden (unseen) things people go through; some of them temporary, and some of them life-long battles. Regardless of the extent/seriousness/duration, […]
Crochet Christmas Tree – Part 1
Well, this was one of those spontaneous makes I haven’t experienced in years. I made this crochet Christmas tree for our Advent window. I made it without bothering about how the stitch patterns interacted or whether it was ‘good enough’. I made it without bothering about the maths (too much). I just MADE something. It […]
Crochet Christmas Tree – Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of the Crochet Christmas Tree Pattern :) If you need to refer back to Part 1 for the Extra Special Stitches, you can find Part 1 HERE. Please Note: I have had to flip 2 of the charts 90 degrees because they are very wide! Section 3 Row 28 (RS): Sl […]
A Visit to Wool on the Exe and a Giveaway
Good evening from a very dark Exeter! A few weeks ago, I attended a book launch for Anne Le Brocq’s first book, The Art of Landscape Knitting (you can read more about the book HERE). The launch was held at Wool on the Exe in Exeter. It is a lovely little shop, and the people […]