I’ve taken the unusual step of making this newsletter into a post on my blog. I know, it’s been a while since you last had a newsletter from me and you might have been wondering where I’ve been. Well, it was the summer holidays, so we had the three boys home from school (which was interesting).
- Returning Home from a Play Date With Nail Varnish On!
- That’s NOT How You Cut Yarn for Crafting!
- “Making Perfume for Mum”
- Making Orange Juice
- Expanding Our Sewing Skills
- Learning to Sew Buttons
Then there was back to school and all the chaos that entails (who’s grown out of their shoes, where have all the school jumpers gone, who needs a new lunchbox…)!

First Day of the New School Year – This is what I get when I ask for “Best Smiles”.
And now that half-term has arrived, I have some time and, more importantly, some headspace again (if only for this week).
In the meantime, I hope you’ll have seen the new posts on my blog:
- The very beautiful Sophie in Cotton Candy Man Scheepjes Whirl by Jenny.
- The #notaCAL I hosted on Instagram – I’d love to see what you made if you followed this.
- My look back at Last Year’s Yarndale.
- The new Sophie Stool Kits that will be available in stores from the first week of November – Squee!!!
- A look at Catona Cutie Pies and the Secret Lives of Colour.
And, of course, I’ve also been busy crocheting, planning, dreaming – so over the next few months, I have some exciting things to share with you all. The photos below are all projects I am working on and/or patterns I will be releasing on the blog. I should mention that I have had 6 fairies helping me ‘make’ over the last six months. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for their help. Thank you to Lynnette, Kay, Minno, Jenny, Pat, and Melanie.

Don’t Ask! I Can’t Tell Yet!!
But first, I would like to ask for your help. I’d like to know what you like about my newsletters, what you would like to see more of/less of, and anything new I could consider adding. Also, how often would you like it to drop into your inbox and do you know where to find back issues online?
It’s easiest for me if you let me know your thoughts by commenting below. I look forward to hearing from you!
Ps. I feel a bit sheepish about mentioning this, but I feel like I should. I was runner-up (best crochet blog) and third place (best crochet book – Sophie) in the recent British Knitting and Stitching Awards 2017. When I attended the awards ceremony, I got to chat to Attic24 Lucy and her friend Yarndale Emma, as well as Verity from Truly Hooked, Janie Crow, and Stuart Hillard (author of Sew Fabulous). Lucy won A LOT of awards. You can read more about that HERE on her blog. I would like to thank everyone who voted for me (and for Sophie). You made me feel like a Princess-for-a-day.
Pps. I have just found out that I have been nominated for Designer of the Year and Blog of the Year in the British Craft Awards 2018. Yay! Scheepjes, Wool Warehouse, Janie Crow and Kirsten Ballering have also been nominated (among many others).
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Kellie Kleinz says
I have to say I began my journey with you in 2016, while our group at the local yarn shop made Sophie. I have to tell you it became a total labor of love that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Thank you for the gift of Sophie’s Universe. I am always excited when the newsletter arrives in my in box, but in this busy world we all live in I definitely think once a week is unrealistic. I would say shoot for once a month. And when that doesn’t work sporadic is fine, we all have busy lives in this world today, and we all understand. After making Sophie I think it’s safe to say we all love having that small connection with you.
Thank you so much for the piece of your world that you give us.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Kellie. Thank you :) I’m going to aim for monthly, but will probably manage sporadically :) I hope you had a lot of fun making Sophie with your group :)
Jean Brooks says
Hi Dedri.
Thankyou for your news letter. I only found your site recently and although I have been doing crochet since the 1960s I have been so inspired by your work and learnt so much. Family always has to come first though, so keep on with the good work and do the news letters as and when you are able. They will be something good for us to look forward to and appreciate.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Jean. Thank you :) I love that we can always learn something new. It’s a very boring day when I HAVEN’T learned something new :)
Amj says
October 26, 2017 at 10:35 am
Hello Dedri,
I am an avid crocheter and have been for over 25 years. To be honest it is your crochet designs that drew me to your website. It is the new creative designs, patterns, and the CALs that get top priority for me.
In today’s world everyone has to prioritize how to use their time.
There are currently quite a few amazingly talented people who have websites, where they offer new designs, patterns, CALs, and those fantastically handy new crafting tips, that can make a project go faster or add a more polished touch to a project.
These are what one expects to find on a crafting website.
It was nice having a quick background on who you are, and how you progressed to where your are currently in the crafting community. Your Sophie CAL was wonderful, especially with the instructional videos that were provided by “it’s all in a nutshell.”
If you look at the name of your website, “lookatwhatimade”.
This my dear is really where your focus should be.
If you feel you have a need to share what is happening in your personal home life. Possibly writing your news letter once a quarter would be a better idea.
Thank you for the designs and patterns you have shared with everyone.
Have a wonderful crafty day.
Ada Lai says
I agree with what so many others have said…The most important thing is for you to keep your sanity and focus on yourself and your family. Weekly newsletters are not important. I’m happy with your posting whenever you feel like it, with no set schedule.
I love your work and every time you create anything, it gives me joy to read about it, especially when it’s obvious that you have enjoyed writing about it. Your **photos** are absolutely amazing! the color and details are always breathtaking! And I think your boys are adorable and you are a great mom, so definitely continue to write about them whenever you wish.
Bottom line: I am happy with whatever you wish to share with us, whenever you wish to do so. I am a relatively recent fan and am currently working on my own Sophie’s Universe. You’ve reawakened my love of crochet (I’m also a fanatic knitter), but most of all, you’ve reaffirmed my belief that we should always have joy in everything we craft! So, thank you!
P.S. I think you should get first place in every category of stitching and needlework design!!
Wisconsin, USA
Dedri Uys says
Ada, thank you for your lovely comment! I am so pleased that you like what and how I share :) I have recently started dipping my feet into the knitting pond again and have found it much more enjoyable than I used to. Please keep in touch :)
Amanda says
Firstly congrats on your awards and all the best for the 2018 one, I think you will Uys it!
A newsletter of what’s happening in your life, how your crocheting is coming along, what you are working on and what new patterns you have. I also love hearing and seeing the colours available that you have been able to pick from.
All the things that inspire you to do the beautiful work you do! With all that to talk about, crochet and look after your family – whenever you have time to send a newsletter would be great!
Take care and remember to breathe!
Dedri Uys says
Hi Amanda. With your Uys (Ace) pun, you MUST be from South Africa (also, zulugirl kinda gives it away). Thank you for taking the time to comment. Have a lovely day!
VickiB says
Please don’t stress over the newsletter — whenever you feel like it is fine! Always love hearing from you, and LOVE your patterns.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you x
Beryl Alexander says
I enjoy your newsletter and love the bits of “family”news. I smiled when I read you have pet rats, my kids kept rats for years and I loved them as much as anyone. They are such engaging pets. I am VERY excited to see the starfish block. I tried one when I first received the first Yarn book and found it a challenge, but I’d love to do a whole blanket. I can just see it on my bed in Stilbaai. Congratulations on your awards, you deserve it. No idea how you are able to juggle your busy life in London with no additional domestic help! Oh, and a monthly newsletter would be quite sufficient. Half the fun is looking forward to it!
Dedri Uys says
Beryl!!! We used to go to Stilbaai every year for 12 years (and Christiaan, unbeknownst to me at the time, spent the same 12 holidays in Jongensfontein). Do you know Stilheuwels? That’s where we went. I have many fond memories of the beach, the holiday complex, and the area. Ag, that has made me all nostalgic!
Dawn says
I agree with what has already been said . I love your newsletter but for your own sanity maybe just do a packed full once a month letter. This way jotting things down as you think of them, then grabbing all the notes and compiling one newsletter.
Love hearing from you no matter how often. Blessings to you and your family.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Dawn :)
Anne says
I always enjoy your newsletters, but also i=understand that they have to fit into your busy life. I would hate you to loose crochet/design time worrying about the next newsletter. I wonder if perhaps once a quarter would be a good idea? A lovely chance for a round up of what you have been doing without such frequent pressure. My favourite parts are ether you share what you are making as well as what others you know are doing. It reminds me that my Sophie keeps bring put on hold because of projects for other people too……..
Good luck whatever you decide – I shall read it.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Anne. Thank you :) I like talking about what my friends and/or idols are up to. They inspire me so much that I want to share that inspiration. I’m glad you like it when I do :)
Lizzy says
I also love when I see your email coming through. I don’t think anyone would expect to hear from you weekly. When we do hear from you it’s always worth waiting for. Keep doing what you’re doing you are wonderful and provide such creative inspiration. Lots of love from Lizzy in Ireland. Xxxx
Dedri Uys says
Hi Lizzy from Ireland :) Thank you for taking the time to comment x
Louise Drosdzol says
Hi Dedri
I also think that weekly if far too often for most of us!! Also perhaps the thrill of the newsletter arriving might lessen? So once or twice a month would be great. With all that is going on in your life its amazing that you find time to crochet!! The past half term has been so crazy busy for me that I have been too exhausted in the evenings to even crochet, which is evidence of work/life balance being way out!
Well done and please carry on – love getting all your news.
Dedri Uys says
This half-term was insane, wasn’t it?? We only managed to get all the homework/reading journals/library books in on the right day in the last week of term! Got to get more organized!!
Lorraine lewis says
I had 3 girls and I am sure boys are just as, if not more, time consuming.
Just blog when you have time (and energy) thank you.
Kogi Naidoo says
Dear Dedri
I love your newsletters. I don’t know how you manage to find the time with 3 boys and also having a full time job. I just have one little monster and a second on the way and I an perpetually exhausted. You inspire me to keep going, to keep planning and to keep crafting, so even if the newsletters are infrequent, please keep doing them.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Kogi. How are you? I’m also perpetually exhausted, and I don’t have the excuse of being pregnant. Congratulations!!
Ruth Craggs says
Hi Dedri
I love to read about your life and how you fit everything in, it doesn’t need to be exactly regular (if you know what I mean) just whenever you have time. I am already in love with the triangle and can’t wait for the pattern. Congratulations on the awards, next year we’ Get you to the top.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Ruth :)
Maggie Lewin says
Hi Dedri – I love your news letters – about anything and everything your news and anything you have found interesting. Doesn’t need to be weekly – when you have something to tell us and when you have the time. My two girls are well grown up now but still need their Mum as do my two kitties – one tabby and one black and my Westie Toby – husband does get a look in now and again too – grin. But I appreciate you are so busy and I don’t know how you do it all. Well done with the awards – just voted for you and Kirsten :) good luck both.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Maggie. Christiaan gets a look in every now and then too :)
Maggie Bullock says
Hello Dedri, it’s lovely hearing from you. Sparodic is good and don’t change a thing, your letters are fresh and off the cuff. I love seeing you boys grow, handsome lads the three of them. I’m still circling the edge of the well of pattern writing. And this reminds me I must chart your rose :) You are such a temptress Dedri, those tit bits of designs are gorgeous and the yarns are drawing me in. Congratulations as well, you deserve all and more.
Maggie xx
Dedri Uys says
Maggie! How are you? Yes, the challenge of the rose!! Stop circling the design-well and jump in!
Niki Low says
Hello Dedri,
I’m joining the club that says we understand about time pressures when you have three gorgeous boys , a husband and a rapidly growing career! I really enjoyed the photos of the summer “fun” – it reminded me of my carefree childhood when there was no tv or other newfangled stuff (Johannesburg in the 60’s!) and our imagination and voracious reading gave direction to our activities and play.
I love reading about you, your family and your new creations, discoveries, and other designers…. so please carry on as you are with your blog ( you thoroughly deserve the first place award!), whenever you have a moment. It’s always a lekker surprise when the message appears in my in- box.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Niki. Thank you. There were plenty of x-box moments too, but they are boring and not worth sharing (although the boys disagree as they all want to be gaming youtubers one day).
Lisa says
I love your newsletters too but there is no need for them to be weekly. A monthly newsletter with a bit of news, photos of your projects and links to your blog posts for the month (like this newsletter) will be just perfect
South Africa.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Lisa :)
Julene says
Dedri I love your newsletters. Life does become very full as your children grow, so weekly for you is probably too often but please don’t stop.They are always refreshing to read and have lovely ideas and colours to inspire me. (Loved Sophie. Am on the second one now)
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Julene :)
Lyn Dines says
Hi Dedri. I just LOVE everything you do – you are so talented – but your children MUST come first! The time you have with them is so precious and goes so quickly. Just yesterday too, my daughter was one year old and now she is 50 years old! Yes, really! It does happen that fast. Get to us only when you can and we will enjoy it all the more for its rarity!
Dedri Uys says
You are right. I should stop worrying about things like newsletters! Why does time seem to speed up the older you get?