I’ve taken the unusual step of making this newsletter into a post on my blog. I know, it’s been a while since you last had a newsletter from me and you might have been wondering where I’ve been. Well, it was the summer holidays, so we had the three boys home from school (which was interesting).
- Returning Home from a Play Date With Nail Varnish On!
- That’s NOT How You Cut Yarn for Crafting!
- “Making Perfume for Mum”
- Making Orange Juice
- Expanding Our Sewing Skills
- Learning to Sew Buttons
Then there was back to school and all the chaos that entails (who’s grown out of their shoes, where have all the school jumpers gone, who needs a new lunchbox…)!

First Day of the New School Year – This is what I get when I ask for “Best Smiles”.
And now that half-term has arrived, I have some time and, more importantly, some headspace again (if only for this week).
In the meantime, I hope you’ll have seen the new posts on my blog:
- The very beautiful Sophie in Cotton Candy Man Scheepjes Whirl by Jenny.
- The #notaCAL I hosted on Instagram – I’d love to see what you made if you followed this.
- My look back at Last Year’s Yarndale.
- The new Sophie Stool Kits that will be available in stores from the first week of November – Squee!!!
- A look at Catona Cutie Pies and the Secret Lives of Colour.
And, of course, I’ve also been busy crocheting, planning, dreaming – so over the next few months, I have some exciting things to share with you all. The photos below are all projects I am working on and/or patterns I will be releasing on the blog. I should mention that I have had 6 fairies helping me ‘make’ over the last six months. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for their help. Thank you to Lynnette, Kay, Minno, Jenny, Pat, and Melanie.

Don’t Ask! I Can’t Tell Yet!!
But first, I would like to ask for your help. I’d like to know what you like about my newsletters, what you would like to see more of/less of, and anything new I could consider adding. Also, how often would you like it to drop into your inbox and do you know where to find back issues online?
It’s easiest for me if you let me know your thoughts by commenting below. I look forward to hearing from you!
Ps. I feel a bit sheepish about mentioning this, but I feel like I should. I was runner-up (best crochet blog) and third place (best crochet book – Sophie) in the recent British Knitting and Stitching Awards 2017. When I attended the awards ceremony, I got to chat to Attic24 Lucy and her friend Yarndale Emma, as well as Verity from Truly Hooked, Janie Crow, and Stuart Hillard (author of Sew Fabulous). Lucy won A LOT of awards. You can read more about that HERE on her blog. I would like to thank everyone who voted for me (and for Sophie). You made me feel like a Princess-for-a-day.
Pps. I have just found out that I have been nominated for Designer of the Year and Blog of the Year in the British Craft Awards 2018. Yay! Scheepjes, Wool Warehouse, Janie Crow and Kirsten Ballering have also been nominated (among many others).
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Teena says
I think you should do what makes you feel good. I Don’t particularly like getting constant e-mails from crochet sites, like every day. A short note about family is ok. Mostly I like the patterns. If I get to many pics and no patterns, I usually delete that person. Good luck deciding.
lesley thundow says
I would be quite happy for you to just write your blog or maybe a quarterly newsletter letter if you still want to write it. Don’t stop the designing !!
Dedri Uys says
I won’t, I promise :)
Lrka says
I like receiving your newsletters as they remind me to go look at what you are doing rather than keeping my head down on my own projects As far as frequency, a couple times a month seems like it would be a balance between taking all your time for the newsletter and designing. As one of my favorite designers, I very much want you to have time for that. I’m especially interested in the look-at-what-I-made content. When another designer or book/yarn/tool really impresses you, then it’s worth a mention but given your talent for designing, that’s where you should be spending your time! You have a unique take on things and some of us can’t get enough.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you :) It’s hard for me to find the balance between just designing and interacting. But I have oodles of time to find the balance :)
Chelsea Schalton says
I don’t know where to start. For me, your creativity in design is the primary reason I’ve been drawn to your blog and patterns. You are truly gifted and I look forward to your newsletters to see what new creations have emerged. I’m currently making a Charlotte and will begin a Sophie immediately after, but I have lots of thick yarn and have lately been wondering what to do with that. Today I see the yellow flower posted above. I will be turning that yarn into a rug! Thank you!
Please treasure these years with your boys and spend as much time with them as you can even if it means your newsletters can only come out once every month or two. Your newsletters are the first email I open as soon as they show up because you are a bright spot in an otherwise dreary world (I’m from USA, so you know what I mean.). You are also an artist, so if you need more time to create between newsletters or blog updates, please take that time. Real art takes time to develop.
Finally, thank you for generously sharing your art and accolades with us. I also love that you share other artists’ work in your newsletters. So few bloggers do that.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Chelsea. Thank you for your comment. I’m glad you look forward to the newsletters, and yes, I do know what you mean! You are so right. The more admin-type things I do, the less time I have to create! Have a wonderful evening.
Sharon says
Hello. You are a busy woman and being a Mom is so important and more important than anything. So, do what you love the most. Write in newsletter when you can. It is understandable at your season in life!!
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Sharon :)
Deborah says
Congratulations. Keep up the good work. I really enjoy your fun filled email. I have done a few of your projects. Love the yellow flower.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Deborah. I’m hoping to release that one soon (which, in LAWIM land, means much the same as Africa time). I’m glad you like it :)
Jo Kotze says
Hi Dedri
Life is certainly hectic with 3 boys (I just about survived!) why don’t you put your newsletter out twice a year! I know we all look forward to hearing all your news but “the family and Home” have to be a priority! If anything comes up you can always do a quick note for us, keep designing etc we enjoy your talents!
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Jo :)
Fay witham says
Hi Dedri, I love how you randomly tell us stuff from crochet to kids and all in between. I’m not the mother of young children these days but a middle aged working wife who recalls the busy times. Keep on with what you do
I love it all Fay Witham (Sophie fan)
Dedri Uys says
Hi Fay. Thank you. How have you been?
Melissa Beynon says
As someone who is also responsible for the creation of newsletters, I think that once per week is too much. If people get them too often, they’re not quite as fun to get. Also, trying to come up with enough content of interest to maintain a weekly newsletter is just crazy – leave some time for yourself! Don’t ever let something you love get to the point that it feels like a chore – you’ll soon grow to dread it, and what fun is that? Once a month is plenty!
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Melissa. Once a month sounds much more doable!
Hannah says
I love the newsletter and blog. I look forward to them and read all of both usually in one sitting. I wouldn’t change a thing. Love seeing the family and hearing all the details. Enjoy the connection and makes our projects so much happening like family time.
Keep sharing and caring. You deserve the awards.
Yarn lovers, Hannah
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Hannah x
Mariana Muller says
Ek hou van alles wat jy met ons deel! Doen so voort maar onthou jy het nodig om te doen wat reg en goed is vir jou en jou gesin. Ek kan dink dit raak partydae net te veel, so wees goed vir jouself en dit sal deurskyn in alles wat jy doen en aanpak.
Dedri Uys says
Baie dankie Mariana. Lekker aand vir jou x
Victoria says
Dedri, I so relate to your situation! Your newsletters are lovely and I always enjoy them but perhaps if you just sent out a message that there was a new blog post up that might lessen the work load? I’d be happy with that, because your blog is such a wonderful place to visit. All your creations make me smile (including your handsome boys – love those back-to-school smiles!) and your designs inspire me in my own crocheting. But you should be able to enjoy it as much as we do without unnecessary or undue stress.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Victoria. The thing is that I really love writing them, but finding the time to sit down and write them the way I want to (instead of just posting a bunch of links) is so hard. Maybe I should go back to automating them, but that would make me sad in a different way. But you are right. No to unnecessary or undue stress!
Harlene Gogan says
I love your newsletter but understand how busy life can be. I have a problem reading blogs from far away (I’m in the USA), because I get a ‘ problem has occurred page is reloading’ way too often, so your newsletter is a stable source of info for me. I will take anything you give me.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Harlene. How have you been? I would find that so frustrating. We have grown so accustomed to things loading instantly, haven’t we?
Hester Kachelhoffer says
Congrats with your achevments and I love hearing all your doing and designing. You are such a insperation to us all. thanks
Dedri Uys says
Thank you :)
Rita Miller says
Congratulations on your awards & nominations! Well deserved! As far as the newsletter is concerned, family comes first. So even though I love getting your newsletters and seeing what new & exciting patterns you’re creating, you certainly should only do it when you have the time. Believe me, your kids will grow up way too fast so you don’t want to miss anything as they’re growing. Good luck in the British Craft Awards 2018! Let us know how you do.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Rita. I will let you know :)
Kristine (Mommy Needs Therapy) says
Your boys are so handsome! I love seeing what they were up to this summer!
I very much enjoy your newsletters, but I also completely understand how busy life gets as the kids get older. Just adding homework adds an entirely new layer of craziness to life. My boys are 10 and 14 and each year it seems life gets busier.
Whatever and whenever you are able to put up a newsletter I’m excited to see it. You need to do what is best for you and your family though. :)
Dedri Uys says
Hi Kristine, and thank you. I didn’t realize I would get quite so many comments, so now I am reading through them and trying to respond to each one. Yours led me to your website, which sucked me in for a whole half-hour before I forced myself to stop reading and get back to replying. Thank you for quite a few giggles.
June says
I love getting your newsletter via email! I also follow you on social media, etc. But we all know that time is valuable and in short supply anymore so we would certainly understand if you had to cut back a bit.
So simple to follow the link from the email to your site. Always a good reminder that there are tidbits of sharing waiting for me.
I love your sharing of WIPs, along with sharing how others have interpreted your patterns.
And of course recalling the past.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, June :)
R Words says
I’d like to see what you’ve made, even if that means the newsletters are less frequent or erratically sent If you can trigger an email from blog updates that includes what’s new, that would work, too.
Being a wife and mom are such important roles! You can never get these years, or your influence upon them, back.
Dedri Uys says
You are so right. I thought that I would have more time now they are all at school, but we actually have less time and a lot of that time together is spent doing homework!
julie holmes says
Hi Dedri. Your newsletter is welcome whenever you can find time. Always good to open the mailbox and finding it there. Cheers Julie
Dedri Uys says
Thank you :)
Linda Dziubala says
Love your newsletter. Just love that you ramble occasionally and that makes it feel more like a conversation than a planned issue. Keep doing what you are doing. We can wait for the boys to be in bed for you to have time for us. We can share you!!
Linda D.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Linda. I do ramble quite a bit :)