I can’t believe the time has finally come for Part 1 of the Ubuntu CAL 2018. Welcome!! I hope you have SO much fun joining us on this journey and I cannot wait to see your work-in-progress photos. You will find all the links and information you need under ‘Resources‘ below. If you have stumbled on this post accidentally and don’t know what Ubuntu is, you can read more about it HERE (Information) and HERE (Concept). Let the games begin!
- Part 1 Pattern PDF
- Part 1 Video Tutorial (UK terminology) by Esther Dijkstra from It’s All in a Nutshell
- Official Scheepjes – International Group (English) or the Official Scheepjes – Nederlandse Groep (Dutch). You have to be logged into Facebook in order to access the link to the groups.
- Add the CAL to your Ravelry Queue
- If you are on Instagram, you can find me HERE. Please add your photos using #scheepjesubuntucal2018 or #scheepjesubuntucal. Please also see our fun (unofficial) photo challenge at the bottom of this post.
- Special Stitches and Techniques (including a gauge square)
- I have created a little bookmark to help you organize your colours for the CAL. You can find the template HERE. You can either print it on regular paper and laminate it, or you can print it on cardstock.
Ubuntu CAL 2018 Part 1: Diamond Part 1
Things to Note:
- If you are using one of the kits and haven’t done a gauge square yet, I suggest that you do so before you start.
- Checking Gauge at End of Round 6: Your diamond is more round than pointy at this point. You will need to stretch it slightly to measure it. If your gauge is out, complete it all the way to Round 8 and measure again (stretched out). You will find measurements for the end of Part 1 at the bottom of this post.
- *HINT* You will find it MUCH quicker to make the diamonds if you do them production-line style: one round of each before moving onto the next round of each. Before you do that, though, I suggest that you complete one diamond so that you can check gauge (see above).
Although this pattern will not have a step-by-step photo tutorial, I will be sharing photos of each completed round. I am using a different colour for each round so that you can clearly see stitch placement. I will also share notes and tips as I go.
Remember that you are making 6 of these diamonds – one in each of the Contrasting Colours. Remember also that you should not fasten off unless specifically instructed to fasten off or to change colours.
Round 1
At the end of Round 1, you will end up with a very weird little shape. I would suggest marking your ch-1 corner spaces with a stitch marker until you get used to identifying them. There are two sets of corners: pointy corners and non-pointy corners (although the pointy corners don’t look pointy at all yet). If something is going to go wrong, it will most likely happen right after a corner or a ch-space.
Round 2
If you struggle with the first partial corner (and the last bit of the round where you complete that corner), please have a look at the Video Tutorial (remembering that it is in UK terminology).
Round 3
Of course, there HAS to be popcorns!
Round 4
Don’t worry if your diamond isn’t flat at this point. As you add more rounds, these initial rounds will flatten out.
Round 5
It is worth noting that the way you make the pointy corners changes in this round. Up until now, they have been ‘solid’, but from now on they will be more lacy.
Round 6
Gotta love the easy rounds!
Round 7
This round requires a bit of concentration. Remember to work IN FRONT OF the ch-4 space from Round 6 when making your Dtr Bobbles.
Round 8
It will be a bit tricky working into the stitches and ch-4 space from Round 6 when you are working behind the ‘Flower’ from Round 7. This is a close-up of where you should be placing your stitches.
And there you are! All done with your first motif for Part 1!! How did you find that? Was it easier/harder than expected?
At the end of Part 1, your diamonds (stretched into a diamond shape) should measure:
Small | Medium | Large | |
Sides | 12cm/4.7” | 14.5cm/5.7” | 19.5cm/7.5” |
Short Axis | 12cm/4.7” | 14.5cm/5.7” | 19.5cm/7.5” |
Long Axis | 19.5cm/7.5” | 23.5cm/9.3” | 33cm/13” |
Weight | 12-14g | 18-20g | 41-44g |
Photo Task 1
Just like with Sophie, I thought it would be fun to do a few photo tasks throughout the CAL. The first one is #ubuntuflower, inspired by a photo my tester Therese Eghult sent me of her Part 1. The task is to create a flower with your finished Part 1 motifs, including something sentimental and personal to you in the photo. This is not ‘officially’ part of the CAL, but more a way for us to get to know each other a bit better. I would love it if you would share these photos with me on Instagram so that we can all ‘Ooooh’ and ‘Aaaah’! I kindly request that we keep these photo tasks out of the Facebook groups as the groups are dedicated to supporting the technical aspects of the CAL. If you don’t have Instagram, please feel free to use the Contact Me button at the top of this page so that we can open a dialogue and exchange photos via email.
This is Therese’s #ubuntuflower. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Photo Credit: Therese Eghult from Sisters In Stitch.
Have a wonderful week and I will see you next week for Part 2.
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Hollie LC says
Where are the measurements for after Round 6? I can only see measurements for end of part 1 so after Round 8. I am 2cm extra for each side and axis but within weight limit (for small blanket). Unsure if I should continue or try smaller hook?
Dedri Uys says
Hi Hollie, those measurements are in the Tips and Tricks document (linked).
If you are 2cm out, but the motifs are within weight limit, I would continue. It may be because we crochet with very different styles.
There should be enough of the coloured yarn to allow for a fair amount of difference in the Smaller version. You may just run out of Light Grey (700), so closer to the end you could reassess and buy another ball of that if needed?
I hope that helps.
I hope that helps.
GwenDaleAnn says
Hi Dedri, I saw a bad copy of your beautiful blanket, on another site, a reviewer pointed me to yours. Wow, what a difference! I have been trying to find a kit somewhere, anywhere. It seems I will have to try to assemble my own.
Jenny Lowman says
Hi Gwen!
Here is a link to all of Dedri’s available kits right now
Wool Warehouse Shop
They deliver worldwide.
marie darrivere says
This plaid is beautiful! Thank you for all these explanations! I would like to realize it. Can you tell me which crochet number to take (3.5 or 4?) To make the medium plaid Please?
Thanks and sorry for my English ….
Jenny Lowman says
Hi Marie. The medium is a 3.5mm hook.
All gauge details can be found here
Best wishes
Jenny :)
Marie Darrivere says
Thank tou very much for your replay Jenny!
Klara says
could you please tell me where I can find informations about how many balls of yarn (or how many meters yarn) for each color there are in the kits? I can’t find this info anywhere. Thank you very much
Jenny says
Klara, all the info can be found here on the Scheepjes website. Jenny :)
Cal info here
Jocelyne Payer says
Hello Dedri
I fineshed my diamond part 2 it weighs 32 grams, for the small model. Will i have enought wool?
Sorry my english is not very good.
Thank you ?
Dedri Uys says
Hi Jocelyne. You will probably run out of the main colour (by one ball) but the others should be fine.
Caroline Vrillacq says
Good morning,
What an amazing design. I’m French, I learn crochet in USA ( because I was in love with your Sophie’s garden), and I follow an wonderful South African lady’ cal with an English lady’s video.
You are amazing to bring all the country around your gorgeous crochet.
Thank you.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Caroline :) That will be the Karoo CAL x
Brenda kelly says
Loving this, initially struggled until I found phots round by round, soooooo useful, leads me to realise how I need visual prompts to understand!! Am I the only one?? Your creations just get better and more beautiful
Dedri Uys says
Thank you. I hope you enjoy the CAL a lot!
Hanna B says
Hello. I have crocheted my diamonds already but yout tut’ looks great. I think I will have a look here for the next parts. :)
I Love the bookmark. Just printed it out, now some diy.
I am making the Medium Sized blanket and for the first part I downloaded Swedish instructions. But I’m multicrochetlingual ;) so English instructions are no prob either I am not new to crocheting and all the stitches were familiar this far but it was a surprise how many different stitches there were crammed into the small diamonds. Fun and tricksy. I wonder how new crocheters are coping?
well … all I was going to write was that I love the bookmark but here I am rambling on :D
Looking forward to part two. //HannaB
Dedri Uys says
Hi Hanna. I’m glad you like the bookmark. The first bit is quite challenging, but I always like to share tricky bits right at the start so that people know what they sign up for, rather than start easy and then make it harder later on. A baptism by fire :) The new crocheters are coping amazingly well so far :)
Have a lovely evening.
Simone Y says
Oh well. Haha I really wanted to wait making the Ubuntu because I still have a couple of projects that need to be finished.. But just decided to just give it a go!
Too special because you designed it, and the heart you have put into it. I just need to honor that.
Thanks Dedri.<3
Jenny says
Heehee Dedri’s patterns are too lovely to ignore!
Jenny :)
Jes says
Please can someone tell me how they know which colour to put next to each item on the bookmark? Thanks x
Dedri Uys says
You will find a list of which colours are which in the Tips and Tricks PDF. Your Contrasting Colour 1 yarn should go next to where it says CC1 on the bookmark, and so on.
Warpspeed Linda says
OMG!!! These are fabulous…I have some thin yarn I have been saving just for this pattern …I can hardly wait to get started…
Jenny says
Enjoy, Linda. Warp speed ahead!
Jenny :)
Rosie C says
Loving it! Done 2 of the 6 so far and keen to get home from work to do some more.
Dedri Uys says
I’m so glad to hear that!
Silvia Bozza says
Hi Dedri and thank you for the awesome CAL, I am very excited about it. I purchased the Large kit, love the vibrant colors, and according to instructions proceeded with the gauge square. I got 14.3 cm with the 5 mm hook and 14 cm with the 4.5 hook, so I started crocheting with the latter. Curiously enough, after Round 6 my measures were 1.5 cm shorter than expected, so I picked up the 5 mm hook and started another diamond, whose measures are spot on, even at the end of part 1, weighing 44 grams. Now I am thinking of going for this 5 mm hook, any suggestions? Thank you again for the great pattern…
Dedri Uys says
Hi Silvia. It is up to you. Did you stretch your diamond a bit before measuring or did you just put it down? At the end of Rounds 6 and 8 it is still quite ‘springy’ and not yet a proper diamond, so it needs tugging into a diamond shape before measuring. If you are happy with the bigger hook then go for it by all means, but just be aware of the fact that you are at the bigger end of the suggested weight so if your tension relaxes later on, you might run tight on yarn.
Silvia Bozza says
Thanks for the help and support Dedri, I let the diamond “rest” this night and the measures were 32 and 19 cm, so I think I will keep on crocheting with the 5 mm hook. I had to stretch the diamond to get the correct measures. Love your pattern so much!You are my favorite designer.
Karen says
Thank you for the lovely throw. Will there be a chart please? There are lots of us that prefer charts than reading instructions especially if you have special needs. Many thanks.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Karen. There will not be a chart for this pattern. I hope that you manage to follow it in spite of that. The videos are excellent.
Lisa Morgan says
I’m having trouble accessing the pdf pattern from the Scheepjes website. Can you send me a link please (it isn’t on the link above). By the way, you’re amazing, it’s so good that my fingers are itching to start… thinking of just going through the video tutorials if I can’t find it soon.
Jenny says
Lisa, all the links for the different languages are below the first part of the pattern HERE.
Lesley says
Oooh were off again EXCITED thank you xx
Carly Gilbert- Trask says
so excited to get started !!!
Poonam Jain says
Hi Dedri, just reconnecting with crochet after eons…Saw ur sacred craft hence this note…Ubuntu is very special for me…Am intrigued how u were inspired to weave ot into crochet.
May be I missed…Is there any post for how much total yarn is required for this project you have created.
Jenny says
Hi Poonam.
All info is found via the Scheepjes website
Jocelyn says
Hello from Dubai.
So exciting! A few ladies in our local craft group are crocheting along. I’m still a novice so I will watch from the sidelines and decide later if I can do this too.
Jenny says
Good luck! I am sure you will be itching to join in once you see the blankets taking shape :)