I am sure you have all heard about the Last Dance on the Beach CAL 2016 by Scheepjes. Each week a different designer shares a pattern in honour of Marinke Slump (A Creative Being). This week it is my turn to share a square! Week 9 of the Last Dance on the Beach CAL 2016 is a simple cable stitch square that reminds me of the little prints scurrying crabs leave in the sand.
There are so many things I want to tell you about Marinke. Things like how much her work inspired me and how much her death affected me (in ways I am still trying to deal with). In the end, I can never quite find the words. When people were expressing their grief, I saw this message online: “She has become the light she sought”. I cannot remember who said it, but I would like to use that quote and dedicate this square to Marinke, who has become the light she sought.
I have decided to choose a different flower for each of the squares in this CAL. I don’t know if you remember the hashtag #wearingflowersinmyhairforwink, but I thought it would be fitting to ‘marry’ Marinke’s love of flowers with this project. The flower I chose for this square was a sunflower.
This Cable Stitch square is very simple. It has an easy 1-row repeat! The only thing you need to look out for is your tension when making your loooong stitches. You have to be nice and relaxed when making them, otherwise your square will be way too small.
Esther from It’s All in a Nutshell has done a step-by-step video tutorial, so if you have any questions about the stitch, please refer to the video and all will become clear.
You have probably noticed that I am not using one of the official colour packs (see Colour Packs below). Instead I am using custom Colour Crafter colours (more about that next week).
I hope you enjoy making your Last Dance on the Beach Blanket, and that you find some way to make your blanket individual. I firmly believe that each item we make should have a story and a memory attached to it.
Colour Packs for Last Dance on the Beach
Colour packs are available in 3 different colour ways for the Basic (Colour Crafter) and Luxe (Merino Soft) versions.
You can buy the colour packs HERE from Deramores and HERE from Wool Warehouse. Both of these sites offer international shipping. You can find a comprehensive list of stockists HERE. All kits include a donation to a mental health charity in Marinke’s memory.
Following the CAL
If you would like to follow this CAL, you can join the International Facebook group HERE, or the Dutch Facebook group HERE. All the PDF’s (and videos) will also be accessible on the Scheepjes website as soon as they become available. You can find those HERE. You can find all the video tutorials (English and Dutch) HERE.
If you would like to share your progress online, please use #lastdanceonthebeach and #Scheepjescal2016.
I hope you will join us in celebrating Marinke’s life and creativity.
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Sofie says
This pattern is also one I love! Thanks for sharing it in the Cal.
Greets Sofie
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Sofie :)
Christina Hadderingh says
What a brilliant idea to tie the #wearingflowersinmyhairforwink to your blanket! I love your square design. I already made all four, they are so fast to crochet! What a heartfelt quote that she ‘became the light she sought’. It brings tears to my eyes… I only wish it wasn’t true :'( It seems like the closer it gets to the death date, the harder it gets :/
Dedri Uys says
Hi Christina. Reading your comment made me cry on the tube (most embarrassing). I cannot even imagine how hard this time must be for you guys. I know the crochet world has claimed Marinke as theirs and in a way it is good because it raises awareness, but it must be so hard to deal with your own grief when you are also having to deal with the grief of the collective masses (myself included). Thank you for commenting. My prayers will go with you and your family in the coming months (as they have done since I first heard the news).
Michelle says
Your colour choices are beautiful. I am following this CAL. I have been wanting to start on Sophie’s Universe but when Last Dance on the Beach came along, I bought the pack as a tribute to Wink. Plus crochet is new to me. I am learning a lot about crochet from the CAL. The only thing is the differences in tension for each new square! !
Dedri Uys says
The tension is an issue, but I have actually found that I could use the same hook for 8 out of the 9 squares so far. My squares are just all smaller than the suggested size, because I am a tight hooker. I hope you learn tons from this CAL!
Barb says
Thank you for your lovely square for the Last Dance on the Beach CAL. A new stitch for me and I think it looks fabulous.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Barb :)
Barbara Sullivan says
A lovely square Dedri. Thank you for this. I am playing catch up at the moment but should get there in time for the great sew up….. And on another note, I kept looking at the Swanage Blanket couldn’t resist the colours and succombed to buying the wool tonight as it is currently on special offer. Unable to get the pack but only a couple of pounds in the difference. Looking forward to starting it when I have completed the exciting Dancing under the Stars blanket in memory of Wink.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Barbara. Thank you :) I hope you have lots of fun with Summer in Swanage. I have started another one in different colours and I can’t wait to get the sandy triangles done so that I can start the meditative waves.
Riet Olsder says
Thank you Dedri for your lovely square and sharing your love for Marinke with us.
The quote is good! . My comfort is that she found the peace and light she was looking for, but I think it is right to say that she has become a light for many. Especially for the ones that are suffering and struggling with darkness inside.
I make a rainbow blanket, as she was so colourful! Every square I make is in her honour and reminds me of my beautiful daughter ♡ I am proud of the light she has become for others. Then and now.
Hope you will find a way to come to terms with her leaving and make her part of your live and work.
She will never really leave us! ♡♡♡
Dedri Uys says
Riet, I have only just seen this comment, so I apologize for my tardy response. Thank you your beautiful, moving message. I think that you are a humbling example of empathy and strength. My thoughts are with you and your family, especially this week.
Agnes Marsh says
Your colours are beautiful- I haven’t started this square yet as I’ve another to finish- but it looks beautiful- thanks for the pattern. I love adding that special little bit that makes it individual
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Agnes.
Maggie Lewin says
Thank you Dedri love this stitch pattern and the colour and your reason for choosing the gorgeous yellow I love Sunflowers. I think the quote is lovely too
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Maggie x
TRUDY says
Thank you Dedri! Lovely pattern
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Trudy