I’ve got a new project on my hook: A Mighty Fine Day Bag, made with a mix of Jute and Cotton in colours inspired by my everyday life (more about that next week) and my once-a-year camping escape in Cornwall.
Just like when I made the Memory Lane Blanket, the colours I chose are not my usual rainbow hues. Rather, they are a nod to our camping trip in Cornwall a few months ago, and specifically the Mighty Fine Day we spent at Tintagel (King Arthur!!!) with our closest friends (more like family, really) and their boys. If you followed my Camping in Cornwall Rug journey, you will know that I was quite despondent when we thought we wouldn’t be able to go camping with them this year.
The day started out as a drizzly, miserable affair, with Boy 2 sabotaging the first hour of our walk to the point where said boy and I actually turned back to go and sit in the car. Fast forward all my best skills at ‘talking about feelings’, letting him work through his anger, and playing up my sore foot a wee bit, and we managed to make our way back to the rest of the party in a much better frame of mind.
We found them exploring Merlin’s Cave, touching the magical waters inside and wishing for all manner of things.

Spot the little washing line holder-upper thingy, also made in Mighty.
According to Boy 1, it was his wish for a sunny day that magically drove away the clouds and the rain. The sun coming out was just one of the many things that made it such a great day. Another was the fact that, as part of our ‘bubble’, the boys could hug and hold each other, and that we could take one of the group photos that have chronicled their young lives and friendship all the way from their first breaths :)
The socially distanced aspect of this year has been the hardest thing for me to handle. We don’t have many people and we don’t see many people, but the ones we do see and have are so important to us. That day (filled with people we love, lots of walking and talking, and good food) was just fantastic, and I want to remember it every time I use my Mighty Fine Day Bag.

Spot the boys in the background
So, for the body of the bag, I chose Scheepjes Mighty in light and dark grey (2 skeins of 755 Mountain and 4 skeins of 759 Canyon) to resemble the cave, the rocks, and the overcast sky that underpinned so much of our trip.
Scheepjes Mighty is 32% Jute and 68% Cotton. Jute is a plant-based yarn, usually used for garden or packaging twine. On its own, it is quite rough to work with, but mixed with cotton, it yields a yarn that is both soft and durable. It is perfect for rugs, baskets, and placemats. It is a sport weight yarn with 80m per 50g. The recommended hook size is 4mm – 4.5mm, depending on personal gauge and how tight you want your finished product to be. I will be using a 4.5mm hook, but I’m recommending that you use a 4mm hook (because, you know, my gauge is VERY tight).
For accent colours, I decided to use Scheepjes Cahlista. I chose Cahlista for three reasons:
- You can get it in small balls (15g Cutie Pies).
- There are soooo many colours to choose from.
- It’s lovely to work with!
Initially, I was going to include the beautiful Plum colour Boy 1 is wearing in the photo above, and maybe a nice vibrant green (because the moss behind him contrasts so nicely with the purple). But when we got back to our tent that night and I started playing around with different accent colours, my eye fell on the Sue Squares I had brought along as my camping WIP (and the project bag I had brought them in). The muted yellow/blue/greys spoke to me, and I changed my mind. Actually, it was this beautiful project bag that made me think of designing a bag, so it’s pretty fitting that the colours will match, don’t you think?

Sue Squares and Project Bag by Sewyarnilicious
I decided to use (from left to right): 383, 172, 402, 501, 391.
You can buy Mighty and Cahlista at your local Scheepjes Retailer, or you can find them here online:
I LOVE the tranquillity of this colourway, and hope that you will love it too.
Next week, I will show you a little sneak peek of my bag, so come back then if you want to see what’s on my hook :) In the meantime, may you have at least one Mighty Fine Day this week!
More Patterns for Scheepjes Mighty
- Ocean Time Mandala Rug by Tatsiana Kupryianchyk (Paid Pattern)
My Most Recent Patterns
Want to see more of our A Mighty Fine Day Bag journey?
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