Welcome to Part 5 of Charlotte’s Universe. Did you enjoy making the Forget-Me-Nots last week? I loved seeing them pop up in all the different colours. This week, we are painting a whimsical story. We start off by making little arches to frame the flowers. Then we plant some tulips, followed by a white picket […]
Charlotte’s Universe Part 4 – Forget-Me-Nots
Welcome to Part 4 of Charlotte’s Universe. Up until this point, the pattern has been familiar and/or known to some of you as the Large Charlotte Square I designed back in 2016. From Part 4, however, we are entering uncharted territory. This week we will be making pretty little flowers. I think they look like […]
Charlotte’s Universe Parts 1 – 3 {Large Central Square}
Welcome to Week 1 of the Charlotte’s Universe CAL. I have been waiting for this day for a VERY LONG time (and I know many of you have too). I hope you have SO MUCH FUN! This week, we will be making the large central square that I designed in 2016 for 67 Blankets for […]
Charlotte’s Universe – Latte With Love Colourway
My dear Jenny is making this beautiful version of Charlotte in Scheepjes Softfun. I so wish I could still see her for lunch-time yarn goodness and uplifting chats. I would especially have loved to be able to squish this blanket as it grows. And those Roses!!!! I need to see them in person soon :) […]
Charlotte’s Universe – Space for Grace Colourway
This beautiful blanket has been made by my dear friend and tester, Sabi Bulla. I LOVE IT! Skies light is a gorgeous yarn to work with, and it has a beautiful, subtle stonewashed look. Sabi is one of the admins in the Facebook Group and you will soon learn that she has a great sense […]
Charlotte’s Universe – Sunflower Charlotte Colourway
Michael Wassenaar from Mike’s Creatieve Wereld is making Charlotte in Chunky Monkey. He will be sharing his progress on his Dutch Vlog weekly (links at the bottom of the post). I am so pleased that Michael agreed to test this pattern in Chunky Monkey because I LOVE the yarn and was sooo curious to see […]
Charlotte’s Universe CAL – Special Stitches and Techniques
In this post, I will take you through the special stitches and techniques that you will be using during the Charlotte’s Universe CAL 2021. The photo tutorials below will help familiarise you with the skills needed to complete the crochet-along. Please note that it is not essential for you to read through the photo tutorials below. Every […]
Charlotte’s Universe CAL 2021
Hello and Welcome to the Charlotte’s Universe CAL 2021. I have been waiting for this day for a very long time! Sometimes a project falls out of your brain and into reality with lightning speed – like when I designed Sophie. Sometimes, like with Charlotte, it takes its time to be born, gathering so many memories […]
Save the Date: Charotte’s Universe CAL 2021
I am so so SO excited to announce that I will be releasing the pattern for Charlotte’s Universe (aka #simplycharlotte) as a 12-week crochet-along later this year. Here you can see me modelling her as a superhero cape of rugby-mum awesomeness! *Read More* Charlotte has been on my hook and in my heart for the […]
Sophie’s Autumn Dream
Ooooh, Sophie’s Autumn Dream makes my insides go all fuzzy. The original (Summer) version was bright and bold – fierce and ‘focus on me’. Sophie’s Winter Dream was elegant and calming – a ballerina with perfect posture. Sophie’s Spring Dream is full of joy – skipping and twirling and giggling. This Autumn version… it feels […]