I have a secret! Well, I had a secret but now I am telling you, so it’s not a secret anymore! Early next year, I will fly to Australia for the first time in my life. When I get there, I am going to board a jolly big ship and go on a cruise. My first ever cruise! For eleven glorious days and ten wonderful nights!! Not only will I be going on this cruise, but I will also be teaching workshops on board!!! I hope you can feel my excitement radiating through your computer screen. Just in case you can’t, I have liberally peppered this paragraph with exclamation marks :)

My Most Popular Pattern: Sophie’s Universe CAL 2015
When I went to Blogtacular in 2016, Lisa Congdon was the opening speaker. She said many things that resonated with me, but the one thing she said that really stuck with me was: “If the answer isn’t ‘Hell yes’, it’s no.” This is a principle I have tried to implement as much as possible. So when Jo Patton from Crafty Adventures contacted me asking if I would like to do these workshops and my gut reaction was ‘Hell yes!’, I knew that this was something I had to do! A once in a lifetime chance to see a bit more of the world and to meet some of my Australian crochet buddies in real life!
Cruise Details
The ship, Royal Caribbean’s Radiance of the Seas, departs Melbourne on 23 February 2019 and arrives in Sydney on 5 March 2019, visiting places like Milford Sounds, Akaroa, and Wellington along the way. I will be running two workshops, sharing patterns I am specifically designing for the cruise. Don’t worry, the patterns will become available on my site later on for those of you unable to attend. The price of the workshops will include a special kit I am also working on. I will be available for informal hints/tips/troubleshooting throughout the cruise, so if you come along, please make a list of things you’d like to chat with me about.

Example: Namaqualand Blanket Workshop with Be Inspired 2016
There are also other optional extras like an overnight trip to Bendigo Woollen Mills and Bendigo Pottery the day before the cruise, or a visit to Ashford Spinning and Weaving Factory in Ashburton NZ.
Please note that my workshops are not compulsory, nor are they the only workshops offered on board the ship. If you dabble in sewing or quilting, you’re in luck.
Other Workshops
Quilting With Paula Storm
A busy mum of 4 children, Paula Storm has a passion for inspiring and teaching quilters. Her unique style sees her making quilts in new and different ways while still appreciating traditional quilting techniques and designs. She began her working life as a radio announcer in outback Queensland. A career change saw her in the Nail/Beauty industry but after a fall that left her in and out of a wheelchair, Paula discovered quilting.
“Working with fabric and keeping my hands busy has kept me sane through all the hospital stays.”
Paula has been a full-time quilter for over 12 years. She has taught all over Australia and publishes her own patterns. She published her first book ‘Sew a little fabric’ in 2014.
“In Australia, we as quilters have an amazing opportunity to break away and create our own look and style. We have so little quilt making history of our own which I see as a huge benefit! We have no traditions to adhere too. We can break the ‘rules’ and show the world how unique we are.”
In 2015 Paula became the National Ambassador for Husqvarna Viking Sewing Machines. Paula’s main focus at the moment is teaming up with her travel agent sister Jo to organize and teach on lower cost, extreme fun ‘Crafty Adventures’.
These gorgeous cushions are what Paula has planned for her workshops.
Sewing With Mandy Murray
Mandy lives in Queensland, north of Brisbane. By the sounds of it, she is almost as messy a crafter as I am, and just like me, she dreams of having her own studio one day. Her designs are unique and fun. I especially love the way she mixes colours and textures to create her quirky pieces.
“I cannot think of a word that encompasses how passionate I am about my craft. I’m so passionate about sewing and being creative, I’m sure my heart is pieced together in liberty fabric, covered in glitter and scattered with buttons. My whole world revolves around inspiring the young & the young at heart to sew.”
Mandy hasn’t shared her project yet, but it’s going to be wonderful, I just know it. You only have to look at some of her other work (photos nabbed from Instagram) to realise that :)
You can find Mandy on her website Sew Quirky or HERE on Instagram.
Crafty Adventures at Sea February 2019 Itinerary
Below you will find the official itinerary for the cruise in February (click on the images to enlarge them) as well as booking and contact details (listed below for ease of use).
To book your place on the cruise, please contact Jo Patton:
- Via Email: [email protected]
- Online Booking Form
- Cruise Community
More Cruise News
If February seems too far away for you, Shelley Husband from Spincushions is going on a crafty cruise in January. She will be teaching her Mayan Crochet Blanket square, as well as a couple of squares from her upcoming book (ooh, the things I know but can’t tell you!). You can read more about Shelley’s cruise HERE.

Mayan Crochet Blanket by Shelley Husband
Shelley and I have been online friends for a couple of years now. She is one of the most sincere people I have had the privilege of surrounding myself with and such an inspiration! I would love to meet her in real life so that I can give her a jolly big hug for all the support she has given me on my journey to finding my designer wings. There is a teeny tiny chance that she might be able to join us on the cruise in February, but I cannot promise anything.
I hope that you are as excited about this cruise as I am, and if you are planning to come, please let me know!
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Ps. Might I be allowed a little “SQUEEEEEE!”
Pps. My ‘baby’ sister will be joining us on the cruise. She lives in New Zealand and this will be the very first time I get to see her house and hometown (after the cruise). She is a life coach and one of the most inspirational people I have ever had the privilege of knowing and calling my own. Also, she used to be a total ditz and used to come up with the most hilarious statements as a child. You don’t want to miss the chance to meet her :)
Ppps. On reflection, she might not be happy with the above Pps. Ah well… She can yell at me on the ship :)
Sara says
I am extremely excited about the crochet cruise and having the opportunity to meet you. I am counting down the days and eagerly waiting in anticipation to see what project you have planned for us.
Dedri Uys says
I’m very excited about the cruise too. It’s getting close now!!
Cass Micheli says
WE JUST BOOKED!!!!!! so excited!!!!!!!
Dedri Uys says
Oh yay!!
Shehla | The Blue Elephants says
This sounds like a blast!! So excited for you and I hope you have a great time!!
Dedri Uys says
Hi Shehla. I think I am going to have the BEST time. Thank you :) How have you been?
Chelsea Hahn says
This cruise sounds like a lot of fun. I have heard of other cruises where people get together and create art. I think that it is a fantastic way to expand your maker network. I am looking forward to reading about how you plan for the cruise and what your experience was after you have been on the cruise.
Dedri Uys says
I will definitely be sharing about the cruise. I have never been on one, so it will be a fun new adventure.
Nancy says
Omg! I want to come on a cruise with you!
Dedri Uys says
Then come! It will be an adventure x
Charmaine Schafer says
Deirdre I am soooo excited that I will be on this cruise. Have made 2 Sophies and just love your designs. Looking so forward to meeting you and of course your little sister.
Dedri Uys says
Yay!!! I am looking forward to meeting you too x
Maggie Bullock says
My first reaction when I found out about the cruise was, “hell yes”., and it’s my first cruise to. I’m so excited. Looking forward to some lovely hooky time with newly found friends and finally meeting you.
Cheers Maggie xx
Dedri Uys says
Maggie, I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally meet you. I’ll be the one that looks nothing like her profile picture. You’ll be the one who…?
Evelin says
Ah… I wish!
I will have to try to make stuff from your site and imagine how the cruise will be!
Australia/New Zealand is a bit too far (and expensive of course) for poor little me…
Europe is more of a good place, but I will have to search for something fun going on here.
Hope you have lots of fun on the cruise and visiting your sister and all the other crochet gals out there!
Dedri Uys says
It is quite pricey if you don’t live in Oz already, which is why I am so very excited to get this opportunity! There are plenty of lovely retreats and cruises closer to ‘home’. I hope you find one that suits you (and your budget).
Have a lovely week!
Karen Ratcliffe says
Please! Please! Please! Is there any chance of a Workshop in Australia before the cruise. I love your designs and always follow your blog. I live in Sydney but would gladly travel to Melbourne.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Karen. Due to visas, I can’t actually ‘work’ in Oz or NZ and I have very little leave either side of the cruise. Maybe you can contact Jo and see if you could just join us for the visit to Bendigo? That would still be a lovely day out for you :)