Welcome to Part 2 of the Unseen Mandala pattern. You can find Part 1 (and all the information) HERE.
*Updated 20/01/2024 to correct ch-2 sps in Round 29*
Round 17
Sl st in the next dc and into the next ch-2 sp. Ch 3, [dc, ch 2, 2 dc] in the same ch-2 sp.
*(Ch 3, sl st in the next ch-3 sp) twice. ([sc, 2 hdc, ch 1, 2 hdc, sc] in the next ch-3 sp) 3 times. (Sl st into the next ch-3 sp, ch 3) twice. [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] in the next ch-2 sp.** [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the top of the beg ch-3 with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 36 sc, 72 hdc, 48 dc, 18 ch-1 sps, 12 ch-2 sps, and 24 ch-3 sps
Round 18
Mark the last ch-3 sp of Round 18 with a SM. When you do this round, make sure that you identify the 4 sc from Round 16 correctly so that you don’t accidentally work around the sl sts!
Sl st in the next dc and into the next ch-2 sp. Ch 1, make 2 sc in the same ch-2 sp.
*Sc in the next 2 sts, make 3 sc in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 3, FPtr around the next sc from Round 16. (Ch 3, make a Popcorn in the next ch-1 sp from Round 17. Ch 3, FPtr around the next sc from Round 16) 3 times. Ch 3, skip the next ch-3 sp. Make 3 sc in the next ch-3 sp. Sc in the next 2 sts. Make 2 sc in the next ch-2 sp, ch 3.** Make 2 sc in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the first sc with a sl st. Fasten off and work away ends.
Stitch Count: 84 sc, 24 FPtr, 18 Popcorns, and 54 ch-3 sps
Round 19
Join your yarn by making a standing sc in the marked ch-3 sp from Round 18. [Hdc, ch 1, hdc, sc] in the same ch-3 sp.
*Sc in the next 7 sts. Ch 2 and skip the next ch-3 sp. ([Sc, ch 3, sc, ch 1] in the next ch-3 sp) 5 times. [Sc, ch 3, sc] in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 2, skip the next ch-3 sp, skip the next sc. Sc in the next 6 sts.** [Sc, hdc, ch 1, hdc, sc] in the next ch-3 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the first sc with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 168 sc, 12 hdc, 36 ch-1 sps, 12 ch-2 sps, and 36 ch-3 sps
Round 20
Sl st in the next st and into the next ch-1 sp. Ch 5 (Counts as dc + ch-2 throughout). Dc in the same sp.
*Skip the first (hidden) st. Dc in the next 6 sts, dc2tog over the next 2 sts. FPtr around the next FPtr from Round 18. Ch 2, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19.
(Ch 1, FPdc around the next Popcorn from Round 18. Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19. Ch 1, FPdc around the next FPtr from Round 18. Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19) twice. Ch 1, FPdc around the next Popcorn from Round 18. Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19.
Ch 2, FPtr around the next FPtr from Round 18. Dc2tog over the next 2 sc from Round 19. Dc in the next 6 sts.** [Dc, ch 2, dc] in the next ch-1 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the third ch of the beg ch-5 with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 36 sc, 96 dc, 30 FPdc, 12 FPtr, 60 ch-1 sps, and 18 ch-2 sps
Round 21
When working around the dc2tog and the FPtr, work around both stitches held together.
Sl st into the next ch-2 sp. Ch 5, dc in the same ch-2 sp.
*Dc in the next 6 sts, skip the next st. [FPtr, ch 3, FPtr] around the next dc2tog AND the next FPtr at the same time. ([FPtr, ch 3, FPtr] around the next FPdc) 5 times. [FPtr, ch 3, FPtr] around the next FPtr AND the next dc2tog at the same time. Skip the next st (which will be hidden) and dc in the next 6 sts.** [Dc, ch 2, dc] in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the third ch of the beg ch-5 with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 84 dc, 84 FPtr, 6 ch-2 sps, and 42 ch-3 sps
Round 22
Sl st into the next ch-2 sp. Ch 5, dc in the same ch-2 sp.
*Dc in the next 5 sts, skip the next 2 sts. FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 3, sc in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 3, FPtr around the next FPtr.
Make a Puff Stitch in the next ch-3 sp. (Ch 2, make a Puff Stitch in the next ch-3 sp) 4 times. Skip the next FPtr, FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 3, sc in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 3, FPtr around the next FPtr. Skip the next 2 sts, dc in the next 5 sts.** [Dc, ch 2, dc] in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the third ch of the beg ch-5 with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 12 sc, 72 dc, 24 FPtr, 30 Puff Stitches, 30 ch-2 sps, and 24 ch-3 sps
Round 23
When working around the 2-FPtr groups from Round 21, work around both stitches held together.
Sl st into the next ch-2 sp. Ch 5, dc in the same ch-2 sp.
*Dc in the next 4 sts, skip the next 2 sts. FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 4, skip the next ch-3 sp, [sc, ch 3, sc] in the next sc. Ch 4, skip the next ch-3 sp, FPtr around the next FPtr.
(Hdc in the next ch-2 sp. Working in front of the ch-2 sp, FPtr around the next 2-FPtr group from Round 21. Hdc in the same ch-2 sp. FPdc around the next Puff Stitch) 3 times. Hdc in the next ch-2 sp. Working in front of the ch-2 sp, FPtr around the next 2-FPtr group from Round 21. Hdc in the same ch-2 sp.
FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 4, skip the next ch-3 sp, [sc, ch 3, sc] in the next sc. Ch 4, skip the next ch-3 sp, FPtr around the next FPtr. Skip the next 2 sts and dc in the next 4 sts.** [Dc, ch 2, dc] in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the third ch of the beg ch-5 with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 24 sc, 48 hdc, 60 dc, 18 FPdc, 48 FPtr, 6 ch-2 sps, 12 ch-3 sps, and 24 ch-4 sps
Round 24
Sl st into the next ch-2 sp. Ch 5, dc in the same ch-2 sp.
*Dc in the next 3 sts, skip the next 2 sts. FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 7, skip the next ch-4 sp, [sc, ch 3, sc] in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 7, skip the next ch-4 sp, FPtr around the next FPtr.
Skip the next 2 sts, the first of which will be hidden. (Make a Dc Bobble in the next hdc, ch 1, skip the next st) 5 times. Make a Dc Bobble in the next hdc, skip the next 2 sts.
FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 7, skip the next ch-4 sp, [sc, ch 3, sc] in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 7, skip the next ch-4 sp, FPtr around the next FPtr. Skip the next 2 sts, dc in the next 3 sts.** [Dc, ch 2, dc] in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the third ch of the beg ch-5 with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 48 sc, 24 dc, 24 FPtr, 36 Dc Bobbles, 30 ch-1 sps, 6 ch-2 sps, 12 ch-3 sps, and 24 ch-7 sps
Round 25
Sl st into the next ch-2 sp. Ch 5, dc in the same ch-2 sp.
*Dc in the next 2 sts. Skip the next 2 sts. FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 3, make 3 sc in the next ch-7 sp. Ch 3, hdc in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 3, make 3 sc in the next ch-7 sp. Ch 3, FPtr around the next FPtr.
Skip the next ch-1 sp, make a Puff Stitch in the next ch-1 sp. (Ch 2, make a Puff Stitch in the next ch-1 sp) twice. Skip the last ch-1 sp.
FPtr around the next FPtr. Ch 3, make 3 sc in the next ch-7 sp. Ch 3, hdc in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 3, make 3 sc in the next ch-7 sp. Ch 3, FPtr around the next FPtr. Skip the next 2 sts, dc in the last two sts.** [Dc, ch 2, dc] in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the third ch of the beg ch-5 with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 36 sc, 6 hdc, 36 dc, 24 FPtr, 18 Puff Stitches, 18 ch-2 sps, 48 ch-3 sps
Round 26
Sl st into the next ch-2 sp. [Ch 3, tr, dtr, tr, dc] in the same sp.
*Skip the next 3 sts. FPtr around the next FPtr, ch 1. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. Hdc in the next 3 sc. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. FPtr around the next hdc. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. Hdc in the next 3 sc. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 1, FPtr around the next FPtr.
Make a Dc Bobble in the next ch-2 sp, ch 2, make a dc Bobble in the next ch-2 sp. FPtr around the next FPtr, ch 1. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. Hdc in the next 3 sc. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. FPtr around the next hdc. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. Hdc in the next 3 sc. Make 3 dc in the next ch-3 sp. Ch 1, FPtr around the next FPtr. Skip the next 3 sts.** [Dc, tr, dtr, tr, dc] in the next ch-2 sp.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the top of the beg ch-3 with a sl st. Fasten off and work away ends.
Stitch Count: 72 hdc, 156 dc, 12 tr, 6 dtr, 36 FPtr, 12 Dc Bobbles, 24 ch-1 sps, and 6 ch-2 sps
Round 27
Join your yarn by making a standing BPdc around the first dc of any [dc, tr, dtr, tr, dc] group around. BPhdc in the next st, BPsc in the next st. BPhdc in the next st, BPdc in the next st.
*Skip the next FPtr. Make 2 dc in the next ch-1 sp, dc in the next 19 sts, make 2 dc in the next ch-1 sp. Ch 2, FPtr around the next FPtr. Make a Puff Stitch in the next ch-2 sp. FPtr around the next FPtr, ch 2. Make 2 dc in the next ch-1 sp, dc in the next 19 sts, make 2 dc in the next ch-1 sp. Skip the next FPtr.** BPdc in the next st, BPhdc in the next st, BPsc in the next st. BPhdc in the next st, BPdc in the next st.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Join to the top of the standing BPdc with a sl st.
Stitch Count: 276 dc, 6 BPsc, 12 BPhdc, 12 BPdc, 12 FPtr, 6 Puff Stitches, 12 ch-2 sps
Round 28
Special FPtr – Yarn over twice. Insert your hook from front to back into the indicated sp, then insert it from back to front into the next sp {Photo 1}. Yarn over and pull up a loop (through both sps) so that you have 4 loops on your hook. (Yarn over and pull through 2 loops) 3 times {Photo 2}.
Ch 3, dc in the next 27 sts. Mark the last dc with a SM.
*Make 2 dc in the next ch-2 sp. Make a Special FPtr, working into the same ch-2 sp and the next ch-2 sp. Make 2 dc in the same (last) ch-2 sp.** Dc in the next 51 sts.*
Repeat from * to * 4 more times and from * to ** once. Dc in the last 23 sts. Join to the top of the beg ch-3 with a sl st. Fasten off and work away your ends.
Stitch Count: 330 dc and 6 Special FPtr
Round 29
Landmark: The first 3 sts of the first Shell should fall in the first Special FPtr from the previous round. The first 3 sts of every eighth Shell after that should also fall in a Special FPtr from the previous round.
Join your yarn by making a sl st in the marked st from the previous round.
*Skip the next 2 sts, make 3 dc in the next st. Ch 2, make 3 dc in the next st. Skip the next 2 sts, sl st in the next st.*
Repeat from * to * 47 more times. The last sl st will fall in the st that already contains the first sl st. Fasten off and work away your ends.
Stitch Count: 48 [3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc] Shells – not including sl sts
Cut 12 lengths of scrap yarn (20cm/8”) and use these pieces to tie every eight shell to the hoop. Make sure that you space them out evenly and that the mandala is nice and taut.
Take approx. 2m/80” of Yarn K and thread your yarn needle with it. Tie the yarn to any tied ch-2 sp around and sew the mandala to the hoop as follows:
*Wrap the needle around the hoop and insert it from back to front into the ch-2 sp at the top of the next shell. Pull the yarn all the way through.* Repeat from * to * until you have sewn each Shell to the hoop. When you get back to the beginning, make sure that the Shells are neatly spaced out and gently tug on each looped stitch in turn to make sure that the mandala is secure and the stitches are uniform. When you have made sure that all the stitches are neat and as tight as you want them, tie the final yarn end to the first ch-2 sp and work away your ends.
Please remember to use #unseenmandala when you share your photos. I would love to see them!
If you enjoyed making this mandala, you might enjoy these other mandalas too!
- Fancy Nancy
- Camping in Cornwall Rug
- Sophie’s Mandala (Medium)
- Mandala 21
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Becky says
This is my very FIRST mandala. Ever. I’m in love with it! I have two more rounds to finish yet, but I’m already curious about the finishing process. I was reading about a different pattern (fancy Nancy) and you mention blocking the mandala before mounting. I don’t see mention of blocking with this unseen mandala. I think my gauge might be different than yours and I’m not sure how to block and if I need to and what size hoop to buy to eventually mount this project. How much bigger of a hoop than your project should you get? Have you ever made your own hoops using grapevines stems?
Sorry for the rambling questions! And thank YOU for the patterns – love it!!! And I. Any wait to post my final project!
Jenny Lowman says
Blocking this mandala is not necessary as it is mounted on to a hoop, especially if you have followed Dedri’s tension measurements.
Sarah says
Hi, I have not quite completed R21 as there isn’t enough yarn in the cutie pie! I have checked my gauge and it is the same as your pattern quotes. Do subsequent rounds use a similar quantity? I read the warning about turquoise but I seem to be running short long before the 2nd turquoise round. Should I continue with new cutie pies of slightly different shades?
Many thanks
Jenny Lowman says
Hi Sarah!
I would continue with whatever colours you like best. Colour choice is totally up to you, really.
Sometimes the balls may be a little less in weight than others, and Dedri’s tensions are meticulously neat and tidy.
Hope you still enjoy making your mandala with your own colour choices :)
Julia says
Beautiful pattern! Thank you so much! I’m currently in Round 20 and wanted to notify you of a mistake I noticed in that round.
In the middle of that sequence there‘s a “(Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 so from Round 19) TWICE”. But in between those two times you’re missing the FPdcs around the middle popcorn and 3rd FPtr plus the (Ch1, sc in ch3sp) in between.
My guess is those got deleted while copying the text to the website and when you saw the two same sequences next to each other you corrected it to say “do it twice”.
To make it easier for me and anyone in the future, I rewrote Row 20 to include all the steps:
*Skip the first (hidden) st. Dc in the next 6 sts,
dc2tog over the next 2 sts.
FPtr around the next FPtr from Round 18. Ch 2,
sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19.
(Ch 1, FPdc around the next Popcorn from Round 18.
Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19.
Ch 1, FPdc around the next FPtr from Round 18.
Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19
Ch 1, FPdc around the next Popcorn from Round 18.
Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19).
Ch 1, FPdc around the next FPtr from Round 18.
Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19)
Ch 1, FPdc around the next Popcorn from Round 18.
Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19.
Ch 2, FPtr around the next FPtr from Round 18.
Dc2tog over the next 2 sc from Round 19.
Dc in the next 6 sts.**
[Dc, ch 2, dc] in the next ch-1 sp.*
This is just the repeated part. aAnything before and after the * still stands.
I did the count and my revised row 20 is reflected in you correct stitch count for that row and the instructions for the next row.
I hope this might help
Can’t wait to finish this gorgeous pattern
Dedri Uys says
Thank you Julia. I can see you went to a lot of trouble to write that out so clearly. I am assuming you are talking about this section: (Ch 1, FPdc around the next Popcorn from Round 18. Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19. Ch 1, FPdc around the next FPtr from Round 18. Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19) twice. Ch 1, FPdc around the next Popcorn from Round 18. Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 sp from Round 19.
May I ask that you have another look at the pattern? The brackets are not just around the Ch 1, sc in the next ch-3 so from Round 19. They are around the entire sequence (the first 4 rows you wrote out). Times two gives you the first 8 rows you wrote out. And then the rest is covered by the remainder of the pattern.
Will you have a look and see if that makes sense?
Waiting to hear back from you,
Diana says
What a beuitifull project
Dedri Uys says
Thank you :)
M. Graves says
Your work is gorgeous and I love the color combinations that you choose. Thanks for sharing!
Dedri Uys says
Thank you very much x