Maricopa Sun was designed by my very dear friend Carolyn Robinson King, in memory of her brother Gary. I feel honoured to share the pattern with you here.
A Word From Me
I met Carolyn through the Block a Week CAL in 2014. We bonded for many reasons, but mostly because of my youngest son. Even though I have never met her ‘in real life’, she has played a huge roll in my life, and often listens to my concerns about raising three boys without an extended family nearby for support.

Some of the photos I have sent Carolyn over the years
I remember how unsure Carolyn was about her crochet skills when I met her. I remember walking her though joining, and chatting about borders. I remember my joy when she became more confident with what she knew and how to apply that knowledge. So I cheekily challenged her to design something. And she did!!!
A Word From Carolyn
I am a retired Special Education Teacher and School Psychometrist. I live in Alabama (USA) and have been married to my love for 47 years. We have two grown children (Matthew and Angela) whom I adore.

Carolyn and Robert
My faith is the most important aspect of my life. Currently, my husband and I enjoy leading Bible study, singing in the choir, and working with senior homebound folks. We have a beloved Sheltie pup named, Strider, and he occupies most of our time.
I learned to crochet basic stitches from my grandmother and mother. As a young adult I branched out and made a few basic afghans (granny squares, ripple, and baby blankets), hats and scarves. After the loss of my mother in 2011, I was left with her unfinished projects and yarn stash. A friend told me I needed a passion, so I set out to complete some of her projects. I quickly learned I could not read patterns. I searched through her old patterns and books and began to make potholders in order to learn to read the patterns.
In 2014 I found a small Facebook crochet group (CCC) and they were beginning the Block A Week CAL. I jumped in and that is when I met a sweet young lady with “crochet wisdom” beyond her years. She helped me through each step of those glorious squares and I came out with an understanding of reading patterns. She has walked me through Sophie’s Universe and Ubuntu (to name just a few).
She encouraged me to try my hand at designing a square. This square has been sitting on a shelf (completed) for over four years. Dedri continued to encourage me to complete the process and so here it is: my Maricopa Sun, made in memory of my brother, Gary, who adopted the beautiful state of Arizona in the USA as his home. His hobby of photography reflects his love of Arizona.
What’s next? I dream of traveling across the ocean to actually meet this sweet young woman. Wouldn’t that be something?!
You can find the written-only PDF for Maricopa Sun HERE on Ravelry. It contains all the information for the yarn and colours that Carolyn used. You can also follow Carolyn on Instagram.

Photos by Gary Robinson
You can, of course, make this square in any colour/colours your heart desires.
In the photo tutorial below, I have used the following yarn and colours:
- Scheepjes Chunky Monkey (100% acrylic), 100g/116m/127yds
- Yarn A – 2004 Canary {Yellow}
- Yarn B – 1083 Candy Apple {Pink}
- Yarn C – 1084 Wild Orchid {Purple}
- Yarn D – 1068 Turquoise {Blue}
- Yarn E – 1822 Chartreuse {Green}
- Yarn F – 1034 Baby Blue {Light Blue}
And here are the colours I used in each round:
- Round 1: Yarn A
- Round 2: Yarn A
- Round 3: Yarn B
- Round 4: Yarn C
- Round 5: Yarn C
- Round 6: Yarn D
- Round 7: Yarn E
- Round 8: Yarn E
- Round 9: Yarn F
- Round 10: Yarn D
- Round 11: Yarn B
- Round 12: Yarn C
- Round 13: Yarn A
- Round 14: Yarn E
Maricopa Sun Square Pattern
© Carolyn Robinson King 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Tested by Vania MacCarthy
- 5.5mm crochet hook (I/9)
- Aran weight yarn
21.5cm (8.5”)
At the end of Round 3, your motif should measure 7cm (2.75”)
US Terminology
- Ch – Chain
- Dc – Double crochet
- FPtr – Front post treble (see Special Stitches)
- RS – Right side facing
- Sc – Single crochet
- Sk – Skip
- Sl st – Slip stitch
- Sp/sps – Space/spaces
- St/sts – Stitch/stitches
- Tr – Treble
- WS – Wrong side facing
* An asterisk indicates pattern repeats. You will need to repeat all the instructions between asterisks the number of times specified. This is a hard-core repeat and will consist of multiple instructions.
Square Brackets [] are used to indicate a group of stitches to be worked into the same stitch/space.
Special Stitches
Front Post Treble (FPtr) – Yarn over twice. Identify the post of the stitch you want to work around and insert your hook from the front to the back and then from the back to the front around the post so that the post lies in front of your hook. Yarn over and pull up a loop. (Yarn over and pull through 2 loops) 3 times.
Standing Single Crochet – With a sl knot already on your hook, insert your hook into the indicated st/sp. Yarn over and pull up a loop. Yarn over and pull through both loops.
This stitch can be used in place of the beginning (sl st, ch-1, sc) method throughout this pattern.
Standing Double Crochet – With a sl knot already on your hook, yarn over and insert your hook into the indicated st/sp. Yarn over and pull up a loop. (Yarn over and pull through two loops) twice.
This stitch can be used in place of the beginning (sl st, ch-3) throughout this pattern.
Round 1
Ch-4. Join by making a sl st in the first ch to make a circle. Feel free to use the Magic Circle if you prefer.
Stitch Count: 4-ch ring
Round 2
Ch-3 (counts as dc throughout), work 11 dc into the ring. Join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch-3. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 12 dc
Round 3
Join with a sl st into any dc. Ch-3, 1 dc in the st at the base of the ch-3, ch-1, 2 dc in the same st. *Sk next st. [2 dc, ch-1, 2 dc] in the next st*.
Repeat from * to * 4 more times. Join with sl st into top of beginning ch-3. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 24 dc and 6 ch-1 sps
Round 4
Join with a sl st in any ch-1 sp, ch-1 (doesn’t count as a st throughout), sc in the same ch-1 sp. *Ch-5, sc into next ch-1 sp*.
Repeat from * to * 5 more times, omitting the last sc on the last repeat. Join with sl st into first sc.
Stitch Count: 6 sc and 6 ch-5 sps
Round 5
Sl st into the ch-5 sp. [Sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc] into each ch-5 sp around. Join with sl st into first sc. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 12 sc, 12 hdc, 18 dc
Round 6
Sl st in the first sc of any ‘petal’ created in Round 5, ch-1, sc in st at base of ch-1. Sc in each of the next 6 sts of the Petal. *Make a FPtr around the sc from Round 4, sc in the next 7 sts*.
Repeat from * to * 4 more times. Make a FPtr around the last sc from Round 4. Join with sl st into the first sc. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 42 sc and 6 FPtr
Round 7
Sl st in the 4th sc of any Petal, ch-1, sc in st at base of ch-1. *Ch-4, sk next 3 sts, sc into next FPtr, ch-4, sk next 3 sts, sc into next sc*.
Repeat from * to * 5 more times, omitting the last sc on the last repeat. Join with sl st into first sc.
Stitch Count: 12 sc and 12 ch-4 sps
Round 8
Sl st into next ch-4 sp, ch-1, 5 sc into the same ch-4 sp, 5 sc into each remaining ch-4 sp around. Join with sl st into first sc. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 60 sc
Round 9
Sl st in first sc of first 5-sc group. Ch-3, 1 dc in next st. [2 tr, ch-2, 2 tr] in the next st (corner made). *Dc in the next 2 sts, hdc in the next 2 sts, sc in the next 6 sts, hdc in the next 2 sts, dc in the next 2 sts. Work corner: [2 tr, ch-2, 2 tr] in next st*.
Repeat from * to * 3 more times, omitting the last 2 dc AND corner on the last repeat. Join with a sl st to the top of beginning ch-3.
Stitch Count: 6 sc, 4 hdc, 4 dc, and 4 tr per side, not including ch-2 corner sps
Round 10
Ch-1. *Work a sc between each st to corner. Sc, ch-2, sc in corner*.
Repeat from * to * 3 more times. Sc between each st until you get back to beginning sl st. Join with sl st into the first sc. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 19 sc per side, not including ch-2 corner sps
Round 11
Turn your work so that WS is facing you. Sl st in any corner ch-2 sp. [Ch-1, sc, ch-2, sc] in the same sp (corner made). *(Sc in the next st, tr in the next st) until 1 st remains before corner sp. Sc in last st. [Sc, ch-2, sc] in next ch-2 corner sp.*
Repeat from * to * 3 more times, omitting the last corner on the last repeat. Join with a sl st into the first sc. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 12 sc and 9 tr per side, not including ch-2 corner sps
Round 12
This round (and the rest of the square) is made with the RS facing you.
Sl st in any corner ch-2 sp. [Ch-1, sc, ch-2, sc] in the same sp (corner made). *Sc in each st across. [Sc, ch-2, sc] in next ch-2 corner sp.*
Repeat from * to * 3 more times, omitting the last corner on the last repeat. Join with a sl st into first sc. Fasten off.
Stitch Count: 23 sc per side, not including ch-2 corner sps
Round 13
Repeat Round 12.
Stitch Count: 25 sc per side, not including ch-2 corner sps
Round 14
Repeat Round 12. Work away ends.
Stitch Count: 27 sc per side, not including ch-2 corner sps
Carolyn and I would love to see your versions of Maricopa Sun, so if you share them, please use #maricopasunsquare so that we can find them.
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Soffity says
The photos are lovely Dedri. Your boys are a credit to you and your hubby. I’ve been a huge fan of yours since Sophie. That pattern taught me so much. Before that I’d only crocheted doilies using teeny tiny hooks and fine thread and there is a limit to how many doilies one house can accommodate. It like magic to see the same square done in different colour pallets making it look as though it’s a completely different pattern each time. Your hard work, dedication, love and humour make your site one of my favourites. Good wishes from northern N.S.W. Australia.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Soffity ;)
Thank you for your lovely message. It is indeed like magic seeing all the different Sophies. I am glad you enjoy my rambling style. Take care and blessings to you x
joanna bayles says
Everything about this letter is beautiful,but the photography is breath taking.
Thank you for encouraging us to use our hands for good.
Joanna Bayles
Dedri Uys says
Thank you :)
Kate says
I love this story! I’m impressed by Carolyn’s progression from finding her Mom’s crochet and wanting to complete it through to designing a square. Carolyn, you sound like a super nice person.
Thanks, Dedri, for hosting this square and story here on your blog!
Dedri Uys says
Hi Kate.
It has been such a pleasure watching Carolyn’s growth. And yes, she is a SUPER nice person.
Verna Sherwood says
This is so beautiful. Congratulations on your first pattern, Carolyn.
Carolyn says
You are the dearest friend, Dedri. Thank you for your love and support in every crochet endeavor I have attempted (and in everyday pursuits). I pray God’s richest blessings on you and on your family. I am so blessed to call you my friend. Love forever, Dear One, Carolyn
Dedri Uys says
I love you too xxx