Hi guys! We have been back in the UK for two weeks and things are finally starting to settle down again. Our trip to South Africa was absolutely amazing! Although the flights were a bit stressful, the trip itself was relaxing and rejuvenating!

The boys sitting on their Trunkies at Heathrow Airport
We divided our time in South Africa between Stellenbosch, Piketberg, and Humansdorp. One of the best days in Stellenbosch was our first Sunday in South Africa. We started the day by going for a walk in Paradyskloof with Christiaan’s sister, her husband, their son, and all 4 their dogs. Our walk was abruptly cut short when we had to scurry down a very steep embankment to get away from a large troop of Baboons!

The Boys and Their Little Cousin
After recovering from the adrenaline rush of our hurried departure, we went to the Blaauwklippen Family Market where the boys spent their afternoon jumping on jumping castles while the grownups sat around on the grass. I had the most amazing gin and rose geranium cocktail there. If you ever go to Blaauwklippen, make sure you try one! We loved the market so much that we went back there again on our last Sunday in South Africa, this time with even more family members in tow.
From Stellenbosch we went to Piketberg. My parents-in-law live on a beautiful farm on top of a mountain near Piketberg. Not only do they manage the farm, but they also run a very successful guest house. Because the guest house is the only place on the farm with wifi, and there were no guests while we were there, I would sit on the ‘stoep’ at either end of the day to check my email.

Hebron Estate Guest House
I wish I could describe the tranquillity of sitting in that outdoor office, listening to the kids and the hadidas, and taking in the beautiful plants and scenery.
I spent two entire days sitting outside, reading endless magazines and chatting with my parents-in-law while I worked on my new Colour Crafter Sophie.
After Piketberg, we went to Humansdorp. This part of our trip was the busiest. It reminded me most of Christmas as a child, which was always a huge family gathering. Both my grannies, 3 of my aunts, and both my brothers came to stay as well, and at one point we had more than 20 grown-ups and 10 children running around in my parents’ house! Absolute chaos and total bliss.
These are my two gorgeous nieces: Lienke, who’s obsessed with being a princess, and Daleen (cutest thing ever)! You might remember me sharing photos of Lienke when I made the Autumn Clusters Square for the Block a Week CAL 2014. I also designed Lienke’s Lovie for her.

Daleen and Lienke
I tried to find one tranquil moment every day. This was usually at sunset, when I could walk down to a gate in the corner of the lawn to look at the sunset, or late at night when I would walk a little way away from the house, find the darkest spot, and look up at the wonderful star-filled sky. We don’t see many stars here in London…
During the day, I would try to snatch little moments to work on growing Charlotte. I don’t think I made more than 10 stitches in any one sitting, because we were way too busy chatting and running after all the kids!
One of the many highlights of the trip was getting to sit on the ‘stoep’ with my Ouma Ancè for yarny time. As she is the person who taught me to crochet in the first place, it felt like we were concluding something we started when I was 7 years old. I took this photo of my ouma while I was busy doing the photos for Part 14 of the Wonder CAL.
If you have read my About Me, you will have seen that the reason behind my website’s name is the absolute joy I get from showing my mom (or anyone else) what I have made. It throws me back into childhood and I am 6,7,8…running up to my mom and going: ‘Look at what I made!’
Having the privilege of showing the women in my family what I have been up to these last 2 years was the best ‘Look at What I Made’ moment ever. Being able to sit with them while they knit/crochet/talk/laugh… what a blessing!

My Aunty Stella’s Scrap Blanket
Be Inspired Crochet Workshops
Not only did we fit 8 weeks’ worth of family and friends into 4 weeks, but I also spent 8 of those days doing crochet workshops with Be Inspired. While Christiaan and the boys headed back to Piketberg, the Be Inspired girls and I ran workshops in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Humansdorp, and Stellenbosch. I will be doing a series of posts about the workshops, because each day really deserves its own post. It was an amazing experience filled with wonderful people!

Photo by Be Inspired
This photo is my favourite photo from all of the workshops, because I think it sums the workshops up perfectly. There is no bigger drug than being in a room full of women who are buzzing with happiness and pride. Every time someone shared something they had created, their faces would light up with pride and it is hard for me to describe how happy it made me to watch them.
I especially loved seeing the exciting ways in which these ladies applied their own personality to patterns by tweaking them. Sometimes the ‘innovation’ was as simple and striking as recognizing the potential of a stitch, like with this blanket that Elmarie Botha showed me at one of the workshops.

Elmarie Botha is making this colourful blanket using the Quivering Fans Stitch from Part 14 of the Wonder CAL.
There were so many stories, so many lives I had been a part of without knowing it, and that fact was huge and humbling. I will forever be grateful to Chantal and Julie (the Be Inspired girls) for organising this tour.

From Left to Right: Debbie Da Silva, Minette Strydom (my mom), me, and Esther Lovett.
I am working on a tour memory blanket in the same Noorse Wol I used for Joy’s Journey. The blanket will be called ‘Nonyaka’, which is Xhosa for ‘this year’.
At the start of each workshop, I supplied every participant with a pattern and enough yarn to create one simple flower. We then used these flowers to check and discuss gauge, explore the double magic loop, and as a gentle introduction into chart-reading. Now I have a bag full of beautiful flowers, each with a name and a note attached to it. I am especially pleased to count among the flowers one made by my other granny, Ouma Erika. These precious little flowers will form my memory blanket.

Nonyaka Flowers in Noorse Wol
The tour ended with a yarn dyeing workshop by Carle’ Dehning from Nurturing Fibres. Carle’ is such an inspirational, nurturing woman. Meeting her was definitely another highlight for me.
I also got to meet (and dye yarns with) Gina Ross from Natural Yarns and Vinni Nielsen from Vinnis! Spending time with these three women, who actively work at building each other up, was so refreshing. I have always felt that it is incredibly important to support people in the same industry as yourself; that their growth does not take away from yours but enhances it. Carle’, Gina, and Vinni are a testament to that.
And the cherry on the cake? I got to share it all with my beautiful mom!!
I would love to tell you about all the other inspiring people I met, but I think this post is long enough now, so we will leave that for another day.
After the workshops, we spent one more week oscillating between Stellenbosch and Piketberg. This last week was the most relaxing (for me, anyway), but also the most poignant. It felt like we spent all week saying ‘goodbye’.
Coming ‘home’ this time was not nearly as hard as it usually is. This trip was filled with so many amazing moments and memories; so many natural conclusions and resolutions. I am sad that it is over, but so very grateful that we had the chance to go!
This blog post contains affiliate links. I only link to products I personally use or would use. All opinions are my own.
Carle Dehning says
What a lovley post, It is so nice to see your smiling face xx
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Carle. I dyed yarn again today and you are always in my heart when I dye yarn :)
Elsie Pop says
What a trip! This has further cemented a trip to SA in my brain. The photo of everyone brandishing a Sophie is really special, that must’ve been an incredible moment as a designer! xx
Dedri Uys says
Hi Elsie. So good to hear from you again! It was a very special moment. And you should def go to SA. DEF!!
afsaneh says
Hi Dedri, Thank you for sharing your happy time ,
Have nice time and journey.
Dedri Uys says
Thank you :)
Dedri Uys says
Oh thank you :)
Eloise Nel says
Dedri, it was such a pleasure to meet you, the designer of something so wow as Sophie. And the fact that you are a fellow South African just makes it that much sweeter. So glad you enjoyed your trip, and very much looking forward to see the memory blanket.
Dedri Uys says
Eloise, it was wonderful to meet you too. Your Sophie is still stuck in my brain!
Bec Watt says
Oh wow, your post had me laughing and tearing up simultaneously. What a wonderful, amazing, inspiring story you’ve just told. It sounds like you had the best experience and I can’t wait to read more about the Be Inspired workshops xx
Dedri Uys says
Thank you :) I feel like I have not been able to convey what I really wanted to. Every moment of the trip was just such a blessing.
sue from bad kitty knits says
OMG…the work here…simply stunning; it takes my breath away
Dedri Uys says
Thank you, Sue :)
Ann Uys says
Lovely to read of your fantastic trip to South Africa. I spent many years there when my parents emigrated from the UK when I was seven years old. I came back to the UK with my South African husband, sixteen years ago. I am now sixty years of age and I knit, sew and am still learning how to crochet. I am looking forward to reading all your posts on your trip. Love the photos.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Ann :) Another Uys! I hope you enjoy your continuing journey into the world of crochet. It has thoroughly changed my life!
Kateleen Jacobs says
Thanks for sharing! I can almost feel the energy this journey brought to you!
Welcome back
MaryT says
You have had the most wonderful vacation that anyone could ever desire! Thank you so very much for sharing it with all of us.
I do have one question, is”Ancè” the last name of your grandmother or her first name? If it is her last name, then I fell obligated to tell you that I too was an Ance for many years as well. Here in the US, we pronounce it “ANTS”. Here, this is a name that the government gave out to a family of Native American Indians….my daughters’ paternal family.
I am soooo in love with your travels. Then, to add the workshops that you taught, plus the yarn dying you were able to take part in…with your mother no less! What a blessing all of it was. I can’t wait to see the afghan you make with all of the memory flowers that you brought back with you. I know that it will turn out so wonderful and always remain full of memories of this trip.
God bless you and your wonderful inspiring family.
Dedri Uys says
Hi Mary. It’s my granny’s first name (and my sister’s). It is pronounced unsee with a short sound either end. How interesting to hear where the same surname comes from, though. My memory blanket is going to be so special to me :)
kathleen says
Thanks for sharing the stories and pics of your wonderful trip. It looks like a fabulous time, and I ‘m glad it was such a good experience for you. My kids would have loved all the cousin and relative time, and I bet yours did too.
Dedri Uys says
Oh they LOVED it. When I came back from my crochet tour and saw them again, they had learned to speak Afrikaans from their 2-year old cousin. It is the funniest thing. My 7-year old speaks Afrikaans like a toddler. His whole demeanour changes when he speaks Afrikaans.
Vickie says
How fun and exciting, you got to spend 4 weeks back home! You look so happy in all the photos, too.
Phone calls and emails are nice but being in person is always nicer.
Dedri Uys says
We are so blessed to live in an era where we can Skype/email/call with such ease, but you are so right. Nothing beats cuddles.
Margaret Schelle says
I enjoyed your first south African installment. I am looking forword to all your post.
Paddy Balsdon says
It was lovely to meet you at Anne-Marie’s house because I couldn’t attend the workshops. I admire your work hugely and you are an inspiration. Your mom could be your sister!
Dedri Uys says
Paddy, it was such a pleasure to meet you too (and I have already started using the hand-bound journal you gave me). My mom looks amazing on those photos and it is one of the biggest blessings that we got to do some of the workshops together.
Carolyn says
Thank you, Dedri, for sharing. I feel as if I was right there with you. You are so dear to me!
Dedri Uys says
You are most welcome, Carolyn x
Cath says
What a fabulous trip! And gorgeous crochet too!